Mae Duw yn awr â thyner lef Yn galw pawb dd'od ato ef; Mae'n wisg i'r noeth, mae'n nerth i'r gwan, Mae'n Dad i'r unig yn mhob man; Mae'n fara i'r newynog rai, Mae'n feddyg rhad i lwyr iachau, Mae'n dysgu'r ffol i ffoi mewn pryd, Am drysor gwell na phethau'r byd. Ni raid im' ddigaloni dim Wrth wel'd ystormydd yn eu grym, Ond cadw'm golwg drwy bob tòn, Ar Iesu fy Eiriolwr llòn: Rho'f arno'm pwys tra yn y byd, Mae'n abl dwyn fy maich i gyd, Trwy rwystrau fyrdd a'f yn y blaen, Mae'n ddigon yn y dwr a'r tân.Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841 [Mesur: MHD 8888D] |
God is now with a tender cry Calling everyone to come to him; He is dress to the naked, he is strength to the weak, He is a Father to the lonely everywhere; He is bread to the hungry ones, He is a free physician to heal completely, He teaches the foolish to flee in time, For a treasure better than the world possesses. There is no need to be downhearted at all On seeing storms in their force, But to keep my sight through every wave, On Jesus my cheerful Intercessor: I will lean on him while I am in the world, He is able to bear all my burden, Through a myriad obstacles I will go forward, He is sufficient in the water and the 2024 Richard B Gillion |