Mae Duw yn maddeu a glanhau

(Gorphenwyd - Rhan II/III)
Mae Duw yn maddeu a glanhau,
  Yn angeu'r Oen a laddwyd;
A dyma waith efengyl gref,
  Adseinio'r llef, "Gorphenwyd!"

I'r gwàn gan Satan lawer gwaith
  Colliadau'i daith edliwiwyd;
Ond caed dïangfa lawer tro
  Wrth gofio'r gair "Gorphenwyd!"

Troes cysgod angeu'n
    foreu ddydd,
  Ei 'stormydd a ostegwyd,
Wrth gofio, yn yr oriau blîn,
  Am rîn y gair,

Daw gweiniaid Seion uwch law poen
  I ŵydd yr Oen a laddwyd;
Ar ben eu taith cant hwythau'n wir
  Gydwaeddi'r gair, "Gorphenwyd!"
David Jones 1805-68

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Altona/Silesia (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Gorphwysfa (Rees Williams 1846-1934)
Oldenburg (C Peter / J S Bach)
Padarn (J Roberts [Ieuan Gwyllt] 1822-77)
  St James (<1878)

  Rhan I - Pan hoeliwyd Iesu ar y pren
  Rhan II - Mur y gwahân dros amser maith
  O'i ystlys bur yn cwympo i lawr

(It is finished - Part 2/3)
God is forgiving and cleansing,
  In the death of the Lamb who was slain;
And here is the work of the strong gospel,
  To echo the cry, "It is finished!"

To the weak by Satan many a time
  The losses of his journey were taunted;
But an escape was had on many occasions
  On remembering the word "It is finished!"

The shadow of death was turned to
    morn of day,
  Its storms were stilled,
On remembering, in the wearying hours,
  About the merit of the word,
      "It is finished!"

The servant of Zion shall come above pain
  To the face of the Lamb who was slain;
At their destination they may truly
  Shout together the word, "It is finished!"
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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