Mae dy gariad, Iesu hawddgar, Fil o weithiau'n well nā'r byd, Gwell nā'r nefoedd faith, er cymmaint, Gwell nā'r haul a'r ser i gyd; Trag'wyddol yw cariad Duw At golledig ddynolryw. Gwn mai dyma'r ccyfoeth goreu Yn y byd o drallod trist, Perl na fedr neb ei brysio, Yw fy Nhrysor, Iesu Grist; Gwell nā'r byd im' i gyd, Cyfoeth yw sy'n para o hyd. Gwir na feddaf neb cyfeillion, Yn fy ngharu fel efe; Pwy fedd gyfaill na pherthynas A i'r croesbren yn ei le? Dywedwch pwy gariad mwy A ddioddefei farwol glwy'. Beth sydd fynnwyf ag eilunod, Ffarwel iddynt oll i gyd; Gan fy Mhriod sy'n fy ngharu, Mae im' letty uwch y byd; Hyfryd Ran fy enaid gwan, Caf fyned atto yn y man. Brawd yn ymchwydd y Iorddonen I mi fydd y Cyfaill hwn, Yn dyffryn tywyll cysgod angeu Mi rof arno ef fy mhwn; F'Arweinydd de' i ganol ne, A'm Duw'n dragywydd yw efe. Ni's gwn yma fawr am dano, Caf ei wel'd ef fel y mae; Am yr amser 'rwy'n hiraethu, Mae ef beunydd yn neshau; Caf maes law'r ochr draw Orphwys ar ei ddeheu-law. Dyro i mi galon newydd, Ffyddlon i dy garu mwy, Tra f'wy'n gallu fyth anadlu, Canu am dy farwol glwy': O fy Nhad, dyro yn rhad I mi drigfan wrth dy dra'd.Morgan Rhys 1716-79 Golwg o Ben Nebo 1764 [Mesur: 8787337] |
Thy love, beautiful Jesus, is A thousand times better than the world, Better than the vast heavens, though so great, Better than the sun and all the stars; Eternal is the love of God Towards lost humankind. I know that here is the best wealth In the world of sad trouble, A pearl that none can value, Is my Treasure, Jesus Christ; Better than the world to me altogether, He is wealth that endures always. Truly I have no friends, That love me like he does; Who has a friend or relative Who goes to the wooden cross in his place? Tell ye, who has greater love That would suffer a mortal wound? Whatever I have to do with idols, Farewell to them all altogether; From my own One who loves me, Is my lodging above the world; The delightful Portion of my weak soul, I shall get to go to him in a while. A Brother in the swelling of the Jordan To me shall be this Friend, In the valley of the shadow of death I shall put my load upon him; My leader straight to the centre of heaven, And my God eternally is he. I do not know much about him, I shall get to see him as he is; For the time I am longing, It is daily drawing nearer; I shall get soon on yonder side To rest at his right hand. Give me a new, faithful Heart to love thee more, While ever I can breathe, To sing about thy mortal wound: O my Father, grant graciously For me to dwell at thy 2020 Richard B Gillion |