Mae grasusau pen Calfaria

(Nerth Ei ddioddefiadau)
Mae grasusau pen Calfaria,
  Mae rhinweddau marwol glwy',
Uwch eu prisio, uwch eu deall,
  Gan angylion o honynt hwy:
Bywyd byd sy yma i gyd
Wedi ei gasglu'n gryno 'nghyd.

Pan oedd uffern fawr yn berwi
  Fflamau i maes i eitha'r byd,
Ac yn bygwth llosgi'n ulw
  Ei drigolion oll i gyd:
F'Arglwydd glân ddaeth yn mlaen,
Ac a'm tỳnodd i o'r tân.

Rhaid oedd diodde'r chwerw boenau,
  Rhaid oedd hefyd fyned trwy
Holl wasgfeuon caled angeu,
  Er mor greulon oeddynt hwy:
Cariad Duw yn unig yw
A trwy rwystrau gwaetha'u rhyw.

Rhaid oedd concro trwy ddïoddef
  Nid concwerio wrth Ei rym;
Gallu'r nefoedd fawr Ei Hunan
  Heb ddioddef,
      'thal'sai ddim:
Talu'n llawn, ar brydnawn
Ar y croesbren gwnaeth E'n Iawn.

Diddig, diddig, fe'i gw'radwyddwyd,
  Tàn Ei boenau fel yr oen;
Ni bu neb cyffelyb iddo
  Is yr wybr glyẅyd sôn;
"Maddeu'n rhàd, dyma waed!"
Oedd Ei weddi ar Ei Dad.

             - - - - -

Mae grasusau pen Calfaria,
  Mae rhinweddau marwol glwy',
Uwch eu prisio, uwch eu deall,
  Gan angelion honynt hwy:
Bywyd byd, sy' yma i gyd,
Wedi gasglu'n gryno 'nghyd.

Y mae pyrth trag'wyddol fywyd,
  Heddyw'n agor led y pen;
Ac mae'r ffordd yn llawn agored,
  Maes o'r byd i'r nefoedd wen:
Cariad rhâd, rhoddodd waed,
Calon ddwyfol er iachad.

Minnau bellach orfoleddaf,
  Mae fy mywyd gwerthfawr iawn;
Wedi ei roddi 'nghudd i gadw
  Mewn Cyfryngwr perffaith llawn;
Abl yw, mae E'n Dduw,
Ceidw f'enaid bach yn fyw.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787337]:
Dretzel (Kornelius H Dretzel 1697-1775)
Groeswen (John A Lloyd 1815-74)
Moldavia (alaw Ellmynig)
Wyddgrug (John A Lloyd 1815-74)

  Arglwydd anfon dy leferydd
  Dacw gariad fel yr afon
  Daccw'r ffynnon wedi ei hagor

(The strength of His sufferings)
The graces of the summit of Calvary,
  The merits of a mortal wound,
Are above price, above understanding,
  By angels:
The world's life is here altogether
Collected and pressed together.

When great hell was boiling
  Out flames to the world's extremities,
And threatening to burn to ashes
  All its inhabitants altogether:
My holy Lord came forward,
And pulled me from the fire.

He had to suffer bitter pains,
  He also had to go through
All the hard pressures of death,
  Although so cruel they were:
The love of God alone it is
And through the worst kind of obstacles.

He had to conquer through suffering
  Not to be a conqueror through His force;
The power of great heaven Himself
  Without suffering,
      would not have paid anything:
Paying fully, in the afternoon
On the wooden cross He made Atonement.

Placidly, placidly, he was scorned,
  Under His pains like the lamb;
There was none like him
  Heard mention of under the sky;
"Forgive freely, here is blood!"
Was His prayer to His Father.

                - - - - -

The graces of the summit of Calvary,
  The merits of a mortal wound,
Are above price, above understanding,
  By angels:
The world's life, is here altogether,
Collected and pressed together.

The portals of eternal life, are
  Today open wide;
And the way is fully open,
  Out of the world to bright heaven:
Free love, blood gave,
A divine heart for healing.

I shall henceforth be jubilant,
  My life is very precious;
Having been concealed to keep
  In a perfect, full Mediator;
He is able, He is God,
To keep my little soul alive.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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