Mae gwybod yr Ysgrythyr Lān, Yn dwyn pentewyn du o'r tān; Eu gwybod yn eu nerth a'u rhin Sydd ganmil gwell nag ŷd a gwin. Eu gwybod yn eu gras a'u hedd Sydd gyfoeth mwy nag oll a fedd Y byd a'i degwch hardd, yn un, A holl ddymuniad calon dyn. Eu gwybod hwy a'u nefol ddawn, A gwneyd eu dysg yn fore iawn, A ddwg yr enaid ddydd a nos I droi at Dduw dan bob rhyw groes.Richard Jones ?1771-1833 [Mesur: MH 8888] |
Knowing the holy scriptures is Bringing a black brand from the fire; Knowing them in their strength and their virtue Which is a hundred thousand times better than corn and wine. Knowing them in their grace and their peace Is wealth greater than all, as one, that The world and its fair beauty possesses, And all the wish of the heart of man. Knowing them and their heavenly merit, And learning them at a very young age, Shall bring the soul, day and night, To turn to God under every kind of 2020 Richard B Gillion |