Mae Iesu Grist yn gwahodd

(Yr Ysgol Sul)
Mae Iesu Grist yn gwahodd
  Plant bychain ato Ef;
Mae'n caru dysgu iddynt
  Anwylaidd iaith y Nef;

    Ceir ganddo bob cynhorthwy
      I gadw'r llwybr cul,
    Ond gwrando ar yr Iesu
      A dod i'r Ysgol Sul.

Mae cariad Iesu'n para,
  Yn un yw Ef o hyd;
Bu farw dros blant bychain,
  Bu farw dros y byd;

    Ceir ganndo &c.

Mae yn y nef yn eiriol,
  Mae yn eich caru chwi;
Mae yno yn eich disgwyl,
  Mae am ein cwmni ni;

    Ceir ganndo &c.
William John Parry 1842-1927

Tôn [7676T]: Morning Light (George J Webb 1803-87)

(The Sunday School)
Jesus Christ is inviting
  Little children unto him;
He loves to teach them
  The beloved language of heaven;

    From him is got every help
      To keep the narrow path,
    But listen to Jesus
      And come to the Sunday School.

The love of Jesus is enduring,
  The same is he always;
He died for little children,
  He died for the world;

    From him is got &c.

He is in heaven interceding,
  He is loving you;
He is there waiting for you,
  He wants our company;

    From him is got &c.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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