Mae Iesu'r Barnwr mawr gerllaw

("Pwy a ddichon sefyll?")
Mae Iesu'r Barnwr mawr gerllaw,
Ar fyr ceir gwel'd y byd mewn braw:
  Daw dydd digofaint
      Brenin nef;
  Pwy saif o flaen ei wyneb Ef?

Y rhai a gyfiawnhaed yn rhad
Trwy haeddiant ei rhinweddol gwaed,
  A safant ger ei fron yn llu
  Pan ddel ar gwmwl dysglaer fry.

'Rhai sy'n ei ddylyn yn mhob oes,
Ac hyd y bedd yn dwyn y groes,
  Gānt uno mewn tragwyddol gān
  O glod dilyth i'r Iesu glān.
John Thomas 1730-1803
Diferion y Cyssegr 1809

Tōn [MH 8888]: Luther (Gesangbuch Klug 1535)

("Who shall be able to stand?")
Jesus the Judge is at hand,
Shortly the world shall be seen in terror:
  The day of the wrath of the
      King of heaven is coming;
  Who shall stand before his face?

Those who are justified freely
Through the merit of his virtuous blood,
  Shall stand before him as a host
  When he come of a shining cloud above.

Those who follow him in every age,
And as for as the cross bear the cross,
  Shall get to join in an eternal song
  Of unfailing praise to the holy Jesus.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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