Mae llais Efengyl fwyn, Yn enill calon dyn; Mae Duw i gadw'r byd, Yn rhoi ei Fab ei hun. Pwy bynag gredo ynddo Ef, Gaiff fywyd byth yn nef y nef. Gaiff fywyd byth yn nef y nef. Nid i gondemnio'r byd, O'r nef y daeth Mab Duw; Ond i ddarparu ffordd I gadw dynol ryw, Pwy bynag gredo, &c. O Arglwydd cymorth fi, A nertha'm hegwan ffydd, I bwyso ar dy air, A'r bywyd yno sydd; Pwy bynag gredo, &c.cyf. Watkin Hezekiah Williams (Watcyn Wyn) 1844-1905 Odli'r Efengyl 1891
Tôn [6666.88(8)]: Efengyl Gras |
The voice of the gentle gospel, is Winning the heart of man; God, to save the world, is Giving his own Son. Whoever believes in him, Shall get life forever in the heaven of heaven. Shall get life forever in the heaven of heaven. Not to condemn the world, From heaven the Son of God came; But to prepare a way To save human kind, Whoever believes, etc. O Lord, help me, And strengthen my weak faith, To lean upon thy word, And the life that is in it; Whoever believes, 2020 Richard B Gillion |
The gospel of Thy grace My stubborn heart has won, For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son, "That whosoever will believe, Shall everlasting life receive!" "Shall everlasting life receive!" "Not to condemn the world" The "Man of sorrows" came; But that the world might have Salvation through His name; For "Whosoever," etc. "Lord, help my unbelief!" Give me the peace of faith, To rest with child-like trust On what Thy gospel saith, "That whosoever," etc.Arthur Tappan Pierson 1837-1911 Sacred Songs and Solos 1878
Tune [6666.88(8)]: The Gospel of Thy Grace |