Mae llais y durtur fwyn, Ei chân yn nghyd a'i chwyn, Yn seinio'n bêr, Nes ennill llawer llwyn: Y gauaf, wele, heibio aeth, Ac ar y ddaear blodau ddaeth, Mae'r adar yn ymbyncio Eu mawl, nid cwyno caeth. Teg wawriodd arnom ddydd, A welwyd gynt, trwy ffydd, Gan rai sy'n awr O'r cystudd mawr yn rhydd; Ac os oedd dyled arnynt hwy Foliannu'r Oen a'i farwol glwy, Mae'n dyled ni, genedloedd, Fil miloedd foli mwy. Mae udgorn Jubili, Am haeddiant Calfari, Yn seinio'n llon Newyddion goreu i ni; Gwir lawenhâ, fy enaid prudd, Ennillodd Iesu mawr y dydd; Daw carcharorion angeu O'u rhwymau oll yn rhydd. Fe dderfydd dwyn y groes, Yn lân, a phob rhyw loes; Cawn adaw'r byd, A'r adfyd, bèr yw'r oes: Bydd Sïon wych mewn siriol wawr, 'Nol codi o'r llwch a gadaw'r llawr, Ar ddysglaer wedd ei Phrïod, Yn moli'r Duwdod mawr.Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1795
Tonau [6646.8876]: gwelir: Mae utgorn Jiwbili Teg wawriodd arnom ddydd Yr ochr draw i'r bedd |
The voice of the gentle turtledove is, Her song together with her complaint, Sounding sweetly, Until winning many a grove: The winter, see, has passed, And on the earth flowers have come, The birds are tuning Their praise, not complaining either. Fair dawned upon us a day, Which was seen before, through faith, By some who are now From their great tribulation free; And there was a duty upon them To praise the Lamb and his mortal wound, Our duty is, O nations, To praise a thousand thousand times more. The Jubilee trumpet is, About the merit of Calvary, Sounding cheerfully The best news to us; Truly rejoice, my sad soul, Great Jesus won the day; The prisoners of death shall come From their bonds all free. Bearing the cross shall end, Completely, and every kind of anguish; We shall get to leave the world, And the adversity, short is the age: Zion shall be brilliant in a joyous dawn, After rising from the dust and leaving the ground, On the radiant face of her Bridegroom, Praising the great 2017 Richard B Gillion |