Mae llais y durtur fwyn

1,2,(3);  1,4.
(Goruchwyliaeth yr Efengyl)
  Mae llais y durtur fwyn,
  Ei chân yn nghyd a'i chwyn,
    Yn seinio'n bêr,
  Nes ennill llawer llwyn:
Y gauaf, wele, heibio aeth,
Ac ar y ddaear blodau ddaeth,
    Mae'r adar yn ymbyncio
  Eu mawl, nid cwyno caeth.

  Teg wawriodd arnom ddydd,
  A welwyd gynt, trwy ffydd,
    Gan rai sy'n awr
  O'r cystudd mawr yn rhydd;
Ac os oedd dyled arnynt hwy
Foliannu'r Oen a'i farwol glwy,
    Mae'n dyled ni, genedloedd,
  Fil miloedd foli mwy.

  Mae udgorn Jubili,
  Am haeddiant Calfari,
    Yn seinio'n llon 
  Newyddion goreu i ni;
Gwir lawenhâ, fy enaid prudd,
Ennillodd Iesu mawr y dydd;
    Daw carcharorion angeu
  O'u rhwymau oll yn rhydd.

  Fe dderfydd dwyn y groes,
  Yn lân, a phob rhyw loes;
    Cawn adaw'r byd,
  A'r adfyd, bèr yw'r oes:
Bydd Sïon wych mewn siriol wawr,
'Nol codi o'r llwch
      a gadaw'r llawr,
    Ar ddysglaer wedd ei Phrïod,
  Yn moli'r Duwdod mawr.
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1795

Tonau [6646.8876]:
Llanidloes (Richard Mills 1809-44)
Noddfa (alaw Gymreig)
Olinda (<1875)
Trefdeyrn (alaw Gymreig)

  Mae utgorn Jiwbili
  Teg wawriodd arnom ddydd
  Yr ochr draw i'r bedd

(The Stewardship of the Gospel)
  The voice of the gentle turtledove is,
  Her song together with her complaint,
    Sounding sweetly,
  Until winning many a grove:
The winter, see, has passed,
And on the earth flowers have come,
    The birds are tuning
  Their praise, not complaining either.

  Fair dawned upon us a day,
  Which was seen before, through faith,
    By some who are now
  From their great tribulation free;
And there was a duty upon them
To praise the Lamb and his mortal wound,
    Our duty is, O nations,
  To praise a thousand thousand times more.

  The Jubilee trumpet is,
  About the merit of Calvary,
    Sounding cheerfully
  The best news to us;
Truly rejoice, my sad soul,
Great Jesus won the day;
    The prisoners of death shall come
  From their bonds all free.

  Bearing the cross shall end,
  Completely, and every kind of anguish;
    We shall get to leave the world,
  And the adversity, short is the age:
Zion shall be brilliant in a joyous dawn,
After rising from the dust
      and leaving the ground,
    On the radiant face of her Bridegroom,
  Praising the great Godhead.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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