Mae Mae (Diwrnod hyfryd yn nesau)

      Mae, Mae,
Diwrnod hyfryd yn nesau,
Wna berffaith derfyn ar bob gwae,
  O'r bron i'r rhai sy'n wylo 'nawr,
    Eu g'lynion hyll
            er maint eu rhi',
  A'u hofnau'n llu
          a gwymp i'r llawr.

      Fe fydd,
Myrddiynau ar y boreu ddydd
O seintiau a merthyron fydd
  Yn canu'n rhydd o fewn i'r nef,
    Wedi adg'odi 'nawr mewn hedd,
  Yn synnu wrth wedd ei wyneb ef.

      Fe bair,
I'r nef wahanu wrth ei air,
Ac uffern fawr yn crynu cair,
  O flaen yr hwn fu ar y groes,
    Anfeidrol barch
            fydd yn y man,
  I'r hwn fu tan angheuol loes.

      Fe ffy,
Elfenau'r ddae'r
        a'r awyr fry,
O flaen ein Iesu mawr y sy
  Yn pledio trosom yn y nef,
    Y gwaith gymmerodd arno ei hun,
  Wrth brynu dyn a'i c'rona ef.

      Fath fri,
Pryd hynny gaiff fy anwylyd cu,
Pan na allo angel rifo'r llu,
  O'r nef, o'r ddaear,
          ac o'r bedd,
    Fe dywylla'r haul,
            fe ddua'r llo'r,
  Fe sych y môr wrth wel'd ei wedd.

      Fe gryn,
Gan ofn bob annuwiol ddyn,
Wrth edrych heddyw ar ei lun,
  A'i fyddin ddysglair gadarn gref,
    Fe yssa'r pryf
            'r annuwiol ryw,
  Wrth wel'd mai Duw mawr ydoedd ef.

      Fe gân,
Myrddiynau blith dra phlith o'i fla'n,
Cerubiaid, saint, angylion glân,
  I gyd yn dân o gariad gwir,
    O'r awyr fry tu aphorth y ne',
  Oll gydâg E'n gwmpeini pur.

      A rhai'n,
A wisgir oll a lliain main,
A th'lynau aur o beraidd sain,
  A ganant anthem faith o glod,
    I'r hwn sydd yn teyrnasu mwy,
  Fe gafodd glwy', Fe oedd erio'd.

      Eu cân,
Fydd am Galfaria fel o'r bla'n,
Ac oll yn gariad oll yn dân,
  Yn gwel'd yn lân fod yn cwplau,
    Bob gair a ddaeth o'i enau ef,
  A'u bod na'r nef
          yn hwy'n parhau.

      A dydd,
Yw hwn na welir neb yn brudd,
O'r rhai a roddodd Iesu'n rhydd,
  Eu g'lynion fydd wedi cael clwy',
    Holl uffern fawr a phechod cas,
  Gan ddwyfol ras na chodant mwy.

      Wel doed,
Yr hyfryd foreu goreu erioed,
I'r sawl sy'n dilyn ol dy droed,
  Pob ofn ffoed darfydded braw,
    Rho'th gariad im', addfwynaf O'n,
  Mi gara sôn am ddydd a ddaw.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [288.888]: Bethesda (<1829)

  Braint braint (Nad ellir byth fynegi'i maint)
  Bryd nawn (Ar y ddedwyddaf awr a gawn)
  Daw dydd (I'r carcharorion fyn'd yn rhydd)
  Mae'n awr (Yn eistedd ar yr orsedd fawr)

      It is, It is,
A delightful day drawing near,
It makes a perfect end to every woe,
  All those who are weeping now,
    Their ugly enemies,
            despite how great their number,
  And their fears as a host
          shall fall to the ground.

      They shall be,
Myriads on the morn of day
Of saints and martyrs shall be
  Singing freely within heaven,
    Having risen again in peace,
  Astonished at his countenance.

      He shall cause
Heaven to separate at his word,
And great hell shall get to tremble,
  Before him who was on the cross,
    Immeasurable reverence
            shall be in the place,
  To him who was under deathly anguish.

      They shall flee,
The elements of the earth
        and the sky above,
Before our great Jesus who is
  Pleading for us in heaven,
    The work he took upon himself,
  Redeeming man and crowning him.

      Such renown,
At that time shall my dear beloved have,
When no angel can count the host,
  From heaven, from the earth,
          and from the grave,
    The sun shall darken,
            the moon shall blacken,
  The sea shall dry up on seeing his face.

      They shall tremble,
With fear every ungodly man,
On looking today at his image,
  And his radiant, firm, strong, army,
    The worm shall consume
            the ungodly ones,
    On seeing that he was great God.

      They shall sing,
Myriads upon myriads before him,
Cherubim, saints, martyrs, holy angels,
  All a fire of true love,
    From the sky above to heaven's portals,
  All with him a pure company.

      And those,
Who shall all be clothed with fine linen,
With golden harps of a sweet sound,
  Shall sing a vast anthem of acclaim,
    To him who is reigning for evermore,
  He got a wound, he ever was.

      Their song,
Shall be about Calvary as before,
And all love, and all fire,
  Seeing completely that fulfilled is
    Every word that came from his mouth,
  And that they shall endure
          as long as heaven.

      And a day
Is this that none shall see sadly,
Of those whom Jesus set free,
  Their enemies shall have got their wound,
    All great hell and detestable sin,
  By divine grace shall rise no more.

      So let it come,
The delightful best morning ever,
For those who are following thy footprints,
  Let every fear flee, let terror vanish,
    Give thy love to me, most gentle Lamb,
  I love the mention of a day to come.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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