[Mae meddwl / Myfyrio] am y nefol fro

(Meddwl am y nefoedd)
Mae meddwl am y nefol fro
I mi'n hyfrydwch lawer tro;
  O! na b'ai'r
      munyd o fwynhâd
  Yn oesoedd mewn dragwyddol wlad.

'R wyf am gael profi
    dàn fy mron
Dystiolaeth o fy hawl yn hon;
  Cael profi'r
      gwynfyd pur, di-lŵth -
  Digonedd heb ddigoni byth.

'D yw oesoedd byd
    mo'r munyd awr
Wrth oesoedd tragwyddoldeb mawr:
  O fewn i'r diderfynol dir
  Bydd cartref f'enaid cyn b'o hir.

                - - - - -
(Mwynâd o bresenoldeb Duw)
Mae meddwl am y nefol fro
Yn dwyn hyfrydwch lawer tro;
  Beth am oesoedd o fwynhâd
  O bresenoldeb Duw ein Tad.          [DT]

'Rwy' am gael profi
    dàn fy mron,
Dystiolaeth o fy hawl i hon;
  Cael rhan o'r gwynfyd
      pur, dilith,
  Digonedd heb ddigoni byth.          [DT]

Pan deimlwyf lewyrch wyneb Duw,
Pan allwyf ddweyd mai f'eiddo yw;
  Lawr dan fy nhraed 'r wy'n
    sathru'r byd,
  A'i fawredd a'i bleserau i gyd.     [DD]

Os hyfryd yw, mewn anial wlad,
Gael trem o bell
    ar dŷ fy Nhad;
  Hyfrydwch fydd
      yn llys y nef,
  Gymdeithas agos hoff âg Ef.         [DT]

                - - - - -
(Meddwl am y Nefoedd)
Mae meddwl am y nefol fro
I mi'n hyfrydwch lawer tro;
  O! am gael munud o'r mwynhâd
  Sy'n fythol mewn tragwyddol wlad!

'Rwyf am gael profi
    dàn fy mron,
Dystiolaeth o fy hawl yn hon;
  Cael profi'r gwynfyd
      pur, dilŷth, -
  Digonedd heb ddigoni byth!

                - - - - -
(Trag'wyddol wynfyd)
Myfyrio am y nefol fro
Sy'n dwyn dyddanwch lawer tro;
  Beth am bob mynyd o fwynhad -
  Yn oesoedd, mewn trag'wyddol wlad.

'Rwyf am gael profi
    dan fy mron,
Dystiolaeth o fy hawl i hon,
  Cael ran o'r gwynfyd
      pur, dilŷth,
  Digonedd heb ddigoni byth!
David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822

DD: David Davis 1745-1827

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Blaenau (T Gabriel)
Ernan (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Home ( W A Mozart 1756-91)
Kent (John F Lampe 1703-51)
Lancaster (<1868)
Llewelyn St (J R Evans 1866-)
Mainzer (Joseph Mainzer 1801-51)
Mecklenburgh (<1875)
Melodia (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
St Crispin (George Elvey 1819-93)

  Dy heddwch Ior a gwel'd dy wedd
  Er cael mewn rhan wybodaeth ber
  Rhifedi'r gwlith neu ser y nen

(Thinking about heaven)
Thinking about the heavenly region is
For me a delight many a time;
  O that there might be
      a minute of enjoyment
  In the ages in an eternal country.

I want to get to experience
    under my breast
A witness of my right in that;
  To get to experience
      the pure, unfailing bliss -
  Sufficiency without ever sufficing.

The ages of the world are not
    the minute of an hour
Against the ages of a great eternity:
  Within the boundless land
  Shall my soul's home before long.

                 - - - - -
(Enjoyment of the presence of God)
Thinking about the heavenly region is
Bringing delight many a time;
  What about ages of enjoyment
  Of the presence of God our Father.

I want to get to experience
    under my breast,
Evidence of my right to this;
  To get a portion of the pure,
      unfailing blessedness,
  Sufficiency without ever being sated.

When I feel the radiance of God's face,
When I can say that mine he is;
  Down under my feet I am
      trampling the world,
  And it's greatness and all its pleasures.

If delightful it is, in a desert land,
To get a sight from afar
    over my Father's house;
  Delight there shall be
      in the court of heaven,
  Close, dear fellowship with him.

                - - - - -
(Thinking about Heaven)
Thinking about the heavenly region is
To me delightful many a time;
  Oh to get a minute of enjoyment
  Which is everlasting in an eternal land!

I want to get an experience
    under my breast,
The testimony of my right in this;
  To get to experience the pure,
      unfailing blessedness, -
  Sufficiency without satisfying ever!

                - - - - -
(Eternal blessedness)
Meditating about the heavenly region
Is bringing comfort many a time;
  What about every minute of enjoyment -
  In ages, in an eternal land.

I want to get to experience
    under my breast,
Evidence of my right to this,
  To get a portion of the pure,
      unfailing blessedness,
  Sufficiency without ever being sated!
tr. 2016,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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