Mae'n decach yn ei wedd
Tecach yw Crist a'i wedd

1,2,3;  1,3,4.
Mae'n decach yn ei wedd
  Na neb o ddynol ryw:
Nid oes greadur îs y rhod,
  Cyffelyb iddo'n fyw:
Rhyfeddod yr holl fyd,
  Rhyfeddod mawr y nef,
Rhyfeddod oesoedd eto i ddod,
  Fydd ei ogoniant Ef.

Dy glwyfau yw fy rhan,
  Fy nhirion Iesu da,
Y rhai'n yw nerth fy enaid gwan,
  Y rhai'n a'm llwyr iacha;
Er saled yw fy nrych,
  Er tloted wyf yn awr,
Fy llenwi gaf
    â llawnder Duw,
  A'm gweled fel y wawr.

Na foed im' garu mwy,
  Un gwrthddrych îs y ne',
Ond Hwnw fu yn plygu 'i ben
  Ar groesbren yn fy lle:
Does dim, 'd'oes neb, ond Ef,
  Mewn daear, nef, na llawr:
Ac na 'mofyned neb y clod
  Sy'n eiddo Iesu mawr.

Bydd imi. Iesu! 'n Ffrynd.
  Rho im' gael mynd yn rhydd;
Nis gallaf aros yma'n hwy -
  Fy nghlwyfau'n fwyfwy fydd;
Ond llefain wnaf hyd fedd,
  Am hyfryd hedd fy Nuw:
O! llanw fi'n yr anial wlad,
  Â'th gariad tra fwyf byw!

          - - - - -

Tecach yw Crist a'i wedd
  Na neb o ddynol ryw;
Nid oes greadur îs y rhod,
  Cyffelyb i fy Nuw.

Mae'n gyfaill yn mhob man
  I'r llesg a'r gwan
      a'r gwyw;
'Does dim, na neb o fewn y nef,
  Cyffelyb i fy Nuw.

Rhyfeddod yr holl fyd,
  Rhyfeddod mawr y nef;
Rhyfeddod oesoedd eto i ddod,
  Fydd ei ogoniant Ef.

          - - - - -

Mae'n decach yn ei wedd
  O'u bron na dynol-ryw:
Nid oes greadur îs y rhod,
  Sydd debyg i fy Nuw.

Dyoddefod ar y pren
  I hoelio'i ddwylo a'i draed;
Trywanwyd idd ei ystlys bur,
  Daeth allan ddwr a gwaed.

Fel cai y dua'i liw
  Ei gànu'n hyfryd wyn,
Mewn afon bur o waed a dwr
  Ddylifodd ar y bryn.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Bach (<1875)
St Martin (G W Martin 1825-81)

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Franconia / Kenchester (J B König / W H Havergal)
Pen-y-mount (Dr Boyce)
St Michael (William Crotch 1775-1847)
Tytherton (L R West 1753-1826)

  Dioddefodd/Dyoddefodd ar y pren

He is fairer in his countenance
  Than anyone of humankind:
There is no creature below the sky,
  Comparable with him living:
The wonder of the whole world,
  The great wonder of heaven,
The wonder of the ages still to come,
  Will be His glory.

Thy wounds are my portion,
  My good, tender Jesus,
They are the strength of my weak soul,
  They are completely healing me;
Although my appearance is so poorly,
  Although so poor I am now,
My filling I will get
    with the fullness of God,
  And my look like the dawn.

Let me not love any more,
  One object under heaven,
But Him who bowed his head
  On the wooden cross in my place:
There is nothing, there is no-one, but He,
  In earth, heaven nor below:
And let no-one demand the praise
  Which belongs to great Jesus.

Be to me, Jesus, a Friend!
  Grant that I may go free;
I cannot stay here any longer -
  My wounds more and more will be;
But a cry I will make until the grave,
  For the delightful peace of my God:
Oh fill me in the desert land,
  With thy love as long as I live!

                - - - - -

Fairer is Christ and his countenance
  Than anyone of humankind:
There is no creature below the sky,
  Comparable to my God.

He is a friend in every place
  To the fainting and the weak
      and the wizened;
There is nothing, nor anyone within heaven,
  Comparable to my God.

The wonder of the whole world,
  The great wonder of heaven;
The wonder of ages yet to come,
  Will be His glory.

                - - - - -

He is fairer in his countenance
  Utterly than humankind:
There is no creature below the sky,
  Comparable with him alive:

He suffered on the cross
  His hands and his feet being nailed;
He was wounded in his pure side,
  Water and blood came out.

Thus the blackest in colour may get
  Bleached delightfully white,
In a pure river of blood and water
  Which gushed on the hill.
tr. 2009,16 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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