Mae'n Heglwys mewn anialwch mawr

(Cyflwr a helynt Eglwys Duw
yn yr oes wyddfodol honn)
Mae'n Heglwys, mewn anialwch mawr,
  Ar ymdaith drwy ddyfnderau'r nos,
'R hyd ffyrdd magledig, dreiniog lawr,
  Dros lawer clogwyn, llawer ffos;
Wyneb, er hynny, 'n gwenu'n ber,
  Yw wyneb tangnefeddgar honn;
A'i glwys gynneddfau,
    fal y ser,
  Yn ddisglaer yn ei henaid llonn.

Yn mlaen, drwy'r pydiau sydd mor fawr,
  Mae'n teithio'n ei chalondid gwiw;
Dim yn dymhestlog yn ei gwawr,
  Na rhith o gymmwl ar ei ffriw:
Tywynder mawr ei
    phryd a'i gwedd,
  Yn haul cyfiawnder
      i bob gwlad;
A'i hymddwyn yn
    diriondeb hedd,
  Dann nawdd a nod
      ei nefawl Dad.

Ni syrth ei golwg ar y byd;
  Ni ymgais a'i ffugioldeb maith:
Dim ond cyfiawnder yn ei bryd,
  Ond cariad brawdol yn ei gwaith:
A'i thraed ym mrisg
    ei Blaenor mwyn,
  Dann lewyrch ei ddisgleirdeb ef,
Cyd ddioddef gydag E,
    'n ddigwyn,
  Cyd etifedd Teyrnas Nef.

Trwy'r dunos,
    er mor dywyll yw,
  Mae hi, 'n ddiofnau, mwynhau dydd;
Tragywydd lewyrch wyneb Duw,
  Goleuni'r Nef am dani sydd:
Holl ffyrdd ei thraed, yn eglur iawn,
  O'i blaen yn troi'n
      flodeuog dir;
Ar benn ei thaith ei gweled cawn,
  Mewn gwir ogoniant, cynn b'o hir.
Edward Williams (Iolo Morganwg) 1747-1826
Salmau yr Eglwys yn yr Anialwch (Cyfrol II) 1827

[Mesur: MHD 8888D]

(The state and struggle of the
Church of God in this scientific age)
Our Church, in the great desert,
  On a journey through the depths of night,
Along ensnaring roads, thorny ground,
  Over many a cliff, many a ditch;
A face, despite this, smiling sweetly,
  Is her tranquil face;
And her beautiful qualities,
    like the stars,
  Shining in her cheerful soul.

Onward, through the pits that are so great,
  She is travelling in her worthy bravery;
Nothing tumultuous in her dawn,
  Nor hint of cloud on her countenance:
The great brightness of her
    face and her countenance,
  As the sun of righteousness
      to every land;
And her behaviour as the
    tenderness of peace,
  Under the protection and purpose
      of her heavenly Father.

Her gaze will not fall upon the world;
  She will not seek its vast falsehood:
Only righteousness in her mind,
  Only love in her work:
And her feet in the footprints
    of her gentle Leader,
  Under the gleam of his radiance,
Suffering together with him,
  The joint heir of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Through the black night,
    despite how dark it is,
  She is, fearlessly, enjoying day;
The eternal gleam of the face of God,
  The light of heaven is about her:
All the ways of her feet, very clearly,
  Before her turning into
      flourishing ground:
At her journey's end she may be seen,
  In true glory, before long.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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