Mae'n henwau'n sgrifenedig fry

(Testament ein Tad)
Mae'n henwau'n sgrifenedig fry
  Yn llyfr y bywyd mawr;
Ni ddichon Satan a'i holl lu
  Oddi yno'u tynnu i lawr.

Er tloted ydym ni yn awr,
  Er gwaeled yw ein gwedd,
Mae inni etifeddiaeth fawr
  Yr ochor draw i'r bedd.

Plant ydym eto dan ein hoed,
  Yn dysgwyl am y stâd;
Mae'r etifeddiaeth inni'n dod
  Wrth destament ein Tad.

Am hynny, blant, na fyddwn drist,
  Yn hytrach llawenhawn:
Cydetifeddion ŷm â Christ,
  Rhan o'i ogoniant cawn.
Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Caithness (Salmydd Ysgotaidd)
Gloucester (Salmydd Ravencroft 1621)
Richmond (T Haweis 1734-1820)
St Mary (1621 Salmydd E Prys)
St Nicholas
    (1753 Holdroyd's "Spiritual Man's Companion")
St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)

  Mae brodyr i mi aeth y(')mlaen
  Plant ydym eto dan ein hoed

(Our Father's Testament)
Our names are written above
  In the great book of life;
Satan and all his host cannot
  From there pull us down.

Though poor we are now,
  Though base is our countenance,
There is a great inheritance for us
  On the far side of the grave.

Children are we still under our age,
  Waiting for our state;
The great inheritance is coming to us
  According to our Father's testament.

Therefore, children, let us not be sad,
  Rather let us rejoice:
Joint-heirs are we with Christ,
  Part of his glory we shall get.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

We are but children under age,
  With patience waiting still
For that eternal heritage,
  Giv'n in our Father's will.

tr. <1897 William Edwards 1848-1929

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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