Mae'n marw Crist ein cyfaill cu

(Dydd Pasc - Boreuol Weddi)
Mae'n marw! Crist, ein cyfaill cu!
  Gwyryfon Sïon wylwch awr:
Yr awyr wisg ei mantell ddu,
  A chrŷn, gan syndod, daiar lawr.

Chwi seintiau, hidlwch ddagrau rif
  Dros un, a drengodd yn eich lle:
Tywalltodd Ef ei waed yn llif,
  A dyoddefodd ddigder ne'.

Wel dyma gariad, dyma boen,
  Bu farw'r lon dros ddynol ryw;
Ond syn orfoledd, ebrwydd hoen!
  Mae ein Gwaredwr eto*n fyw.

O'r bedd dyrchafa Iesu cu,
  Esgyna fry i lys y nef:
Angylion Duw, yn osgordd lu,
  A melus dant, roesawant Ef.

Eich dagrau sychwch, seintiau, 'n glau,
  A seiniwch glod Iachawdwr byd:
Gorchfygodd nerth y gethern gau;
  Mae angeu'n rhwym mewn durfing did.

Bydd fyw, bydd fyw, ryfeddol Ri!
  Wyt gryf i achub, Frenin hedd!
O Angeu, p'le mae'th golyn di?
  Pa le dy fuddugoliaeth, Fedd?
Casgliad o Hymnau (... ein Heglwys) Daniel Jones 1863

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(Waster Day - Morning Prayer)
He dies! Christ our dear friend!
  Virgins of Zion, weep ye now:
The sky wears its black cloak,
  And the earth below trembles with shock.

Ye saints, shed numerous tears
  For one, who perished in your place:
He poured out his blood as a stream,
  And suffered the wrath of heaven.

See, here is love, here is pain,
  He died calmly for human kind;
But surprised rejoicing, sudden glee,
  Our Deliverer is alive again.

From the grave our dear Jesus rises,
  He ascends up to the court of heaven:
The angels of God, an escorting host,
  With a sweet string, they gave him.

Your tears dry, ye saints, quickly,
  And sound the world's Saviour's praise:
He overcame the strength of the false legion;
  Death is bound in secure chains.

Live, live, thou wonderful Lord!
  Thou art strong to save, King of peace!
O Death, where is thy sting?
  Where thy victory, Grave?
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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