Mae ofnau er eu grym

(Gorfoledd y saint)
Mae ofnau er eu grym,
Yn methu gwneuthur dim
  'N awr yn y nef;
Mae perffaith gariad pur
O fewn i' nefol dir
Yn gwel'd yn oleu clir,
  Ei ogoniant Ef.

O nefol hyfryd wlad!
Gartrefle bur fy Nhad,
  Ffynon o hedd!
Mae fy ysbryd yn llesgau,
Tan gystudd a phob trai,
A hiraeth am fwynhau
  'Th dragwyddol wledd.

Mae pechod o bob rhyw
Yn mron a'm curo i'n fyw
  O tan fy maich,
O Arglwydd, nertha'm traed,
Ti yw fy Nuw a'm Tad,
Ac arwain fi i'r wlad,
  Ā nerth dy fraich.

Mae tonau'r moroedd mawr
Yn nghuro i'n lān i lawr,
  I'r dwfn dir;
O Iesu, rho dy law,
A dwg fi maes o law,
I landio'r ochr draw,
  I'r hafan bur.
William Williams 1717-91
Ffarwel Weledig

[Mesur: 664.6664]

(The rejoicing of the saints)
Fears, despite their force, are
Failing to do anything
  Now in heaven;
Perfect, pure love, is
Within the heavenly land
Seeing in clear light,
  His glory.

O delightful, heavenly land!
The pure dwelling-place of my Father,
  The fount of peace!
My spirit is growing feeble,
Under affliction and every ebbing,
And longing to enjoy
  Thy eternal feast.

Sin of every kind is
Almost beating me alive
  Under my burden,
O Lord, strengthen my feet,
Thou art my God and my Father,
And lead me to the land,
  With the strength of thy arm.

The waves of the great seas are
Completely beating me down,
  To the deep ground;
O Jesus, give thy hand,
And brind me out soon,
To land on yonder side,
  To the pure haven.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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