Mae ordinhadau Crist yn llawn O bob rhyw ddawn i ddyn; O's byr-dra ynthynt hwy a gawn, Mae hyn o'r dyn ei hun. O nefol Arglwydd, un a thri, Corona di ein cwrdd; Trwy dd'od i'n plith a g'lawio gwlith Dy fendith wrth dy fwrdd. Gad i ni wybod gwaelod gwerth, Ein braint a'n nerth i gyd; Gwir Fab y Tad â'i wirion wa'd, A brynodd rhai'n yn brid. Eneinia'n cof trwy deimlad dof, Anfon in' nof o'r nef; I wel'd y fraint ac sydd i'r saint, O'i drwm ddioddefaint ef. Rho hawl o'n hedd trwy wiwlan wledd, Gad i ni feddu'r fraint; Ein Duw da dod dy nefol nôd, A'th sêl, ein bod o'th saint. Anfon d'addewid fwyn ar frys, I'r enaid clwyfus claf; I'n tywys ni o'r tonnau i'r tir, Tro'r gaiaf hir yn haf. Ac oni's cawn gan Dduw'r fath ddawn, A chyflawn ddeheu wynt; Nertha ni fyw trwy ffydd Mab Duw, Ar brawf o'r cyfrw gynt. Cyfammod Duw ynghrist yw'r sail, A'r sêl yn ail y sydd; Mae'r weithred gyflawn hon dan gêl, Nes del y sêl trwy ffydd. Bydd gyda rhai a droed i drai, A'u lloer yn llai nâ llawn; Sy'n ffaelu d'od o wendid oed, I roi ufudd-dod iawn. Bydd iddynt well na'r modd ymhell, Gan lenwi cell yn llawn; Trwy dyner dân yr Yspryd glân, Serchoglan ddiddan ddawn.John Henry (Harri Sion) 1664-1754 Amryw Hymnau Dymunol a Phrofiadol (Harri Sion) 1773 [Mesur: MC 8686] |
The ordinances of Christ are full Of every kind of gift to man; If we have a deficiency in them, This is from man himself. O heavenly Lord, One and Three, Crown thou our meeting; Through coming amongst us and raining the dew Of thy blessing at thy table. Let us, of least worth, know Our privilege and all our strength; The true Son of the Father, with his innocent blood, Bought such so dearly. Anoint our memory through a trained feeling, Send to us sap from heaven; To see the privilege that the saints have, From his heavy suffering. Give the right of our peace through a worthy, holy feast, Let us possess the privilege; Our good God, impart thy heavenly mark, And thy seal, that we are of thy saints. Sent thy tender promise quickly, To the sick, wounded soul; To lead us from the waves to the land, Turn the long winter into summer. And unless we get from God such a gift, And a full south wind; Strengthen us to live through faith in the Son of God, On the experience of such of old. The covenant of God in Christ is the basis, And the seal is a second; This complete deed is kept in secret, Until the seal comes through faith. Be with those with feet to retreat, Whose moon is less than full; Who are failing to come from the weakness of the age, To give true obedience. Be to them far better than the means, Filling a cell fully; Through the tender fire of the Holy Spirit, A holy, affectionate, comforting 2023 Richard B Gillion |