Daw'r dydd i'r hâd brenhinol
Mae'r dydd yn dod i'r had brenhinol

Mae'r dydd yn dod i'r had brenhinol Gael mordwyo tua'u gwlad O gaethiwed y priddfeini I deyrnasu gyda'u Tad; Eu ffydd tu draw a dry yn olwg, A'u gobaith eiddil yn fwynhad, Annherfynol fydd yr anthem, Dyrchafu rhinwedd gwerthfawr waed. Mae fy nghalon am ymadael  phob rhyw eilunod mwy, Am fod arni'n sgrifenedig Ddelw gwrthrych llawer mwy – Anfeidrol deilwng i'w addoli, Ei garu, a'i barchu, yn y byd; Bywyd myrdd o safn marwolaeth A gafwyd yn ei angau drud. Arogli'n beraidd mae fy nardus Wrth wledda ar y cariad rhad; Sêl yn tanio yn erbyn pechod, Caru delw sancteiddhad; Torri ymaith law a llygad Ynghyd ag uchel drem i lawr; Neb yn deilwng o'i ddyrchafu Onid Iesu, 'r Brenin mawr. O! am fywyd o sancteiddio Sanctaidd enw pur fy Nuw Ac ymostwng i'w ewyllys A'i lywodraeth tra fwyf byw; Byw dan addunedu a thalu, Byw dan ymnerthu yn y gras Sydd yng Nghrist yn drysoredig I orchfygu ar y maes. Addurna'm henaid ar dy ddelw, Gwna fi'n ddychryn yn dy law, I uffern, llygredd, annuwioldeb, Wrth edrych arnaf i gael braw; O! am gymdeithasu â'r Enw, Ennaint tywalltedig yw, Yn hallt i'r byd, gan bêr aroglau O hawddgar ddoniau eglwys Dduw.
-- -- -- -- -- [B]
Mae'r dydd yn dod i'r hâd brenhinol Gael mordwyo tua'u gwlad O gaethiwed y priddfeini I deyrnasu gyda'u Tad; Yno'u ffydd a dry yn olwg, A'u gobaith eiddil yn fwynhad; Annherfynol fydd yr anthem, Dyrchafu'n oen a'i werthfawr waed. Bererin llesg gan rym y stormydd, Cyfod dy olwg, gwêl yn awr Yr Oen yn gweini'r swydd gyfryngol, Mewn gwisgoedd llaesion hyd y llawr; Gwregys euraid o ffyddlondeb, Wrth ei odre clychau'n llawn O sŵn maddeuant i bechadur Ar gyfri' yr anfeidrol Iawn.
Gael mordwyo :: I gael mordwyo
Yno'u ffydd :: Eu ffydd yno
dy olwg :: d'olwg
gwêl yn awr :: gwel y wawr
euraid :: auraidd
llawn // O sŵn maddeuant // llawn; Llwyr faddeuant

Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Dolwar (John Roberts 1822-77)
Dre-Hir (David Evans 1874-1948)
Eryl (J Morgan Lloyd 1880-1960)
Esther (John Roberts 1822-77)
John (E T Davies 1878-1969)

  Arogli'n beraidd mae fy Nardus
  Bererin llesg gan rym y stormydd
  Cofia Arglwydd dy ddyweddi
  Dyma babell y cyfarfod
  Llwybr cwbl groes i natur
  Mae bod yn fyw yn fawr ryfeddod
  Mae fy nghalon am ymadael

The day has come for the royal seed To be navigated to their land, From the captivity of the bricks To reign with their Father; Their way to the far side becomes visible, And their faint hope comes to fruition, Unending will be the anthem, Raising the virtue of the precious blood. My heart wants to depart From all kinds of idol from now on, To have written on it The image of an object much more - Immeasurable worthy to worship him, His love, and his honour, in the world; Life for a myriad from the jaws of death Was obtained in his precious death. Smelling sweetly is my nard While feasting on the free love; Zeal burning against sins, To love the image of holiness; To cut off hand and eye Together with a haughty gaze down; None is worthy of his exalting Except Jesus, the great King. O for the life from sanctifying The pure holy name of my God And to submit to his will And his government while I live! To live under vowing and paying, To live under strengthening in the grace Which is treasured in Christ To triumph on the field. Adorn my soul on thy image, Make me a terror in thy hand, To hell, corruption, ungodliness, While looking upon myself to get terror; O to commune with the Name, Ointment is poured, Drenching the world, with sweet smells Of beautiful gifts of the church of God.
-- -- -- -- -- [B]
The day has come for the royal seed To be navigated to their land, From the captivity of the bricks To reign with their Father; There their way becomes visible, And their faint hope comes to fruition, Unending will be the anthem, Exalting the Lamb and his precious blood. A feeble pilgrim by the force of the storms, Raise thy sight, look now The Lamb is serving the mediatory office, In loose clothes down to the ground; A golden belt of faithfulness, At it's bottom bells full Of the sound of forgiveness to sinners On account of the immeasurable Ransom.
see now :: see the dawn
full // Of the sound of forgiveness // full; Complete forgiveness

tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

Now the royal seed are summoned
tr. H A Hodges 1905-76


-- -- -- -- -- [B]
There's a day to journey homewards For the children of the King; God shall from the fields of bondage To the throne His loved ones bring: There shall faith to sight be changèd, Feeble hope to perfect gain; And the song shall grow for ever To the Lamb which once was slain. Pilgrim, worn with stress of tempests, Look, and see the dawning light! There the Lamb makes intercession, In His flowing robes of white: Faithfulness, His golden girdle; Round His garment's hem, the bells; Token of the full forgiveness Which in His atonement dwells.

tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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