Mae'r Ganaan hyfryd draw

(Cartrefle Duw a'i Saint)
Mae'r Ganaan hyfryd draw
I'w gweled fel ger llaw
  Yn ngoleu'r nef;
De'wch bellach tua'r wlad,
Cartrefle pur ein Tad,
Na flined dim o'n traed,
  Nes myn'd i dref.

Grawnsypiau yno sydd
Yn hongian nôs a dydd,
  Ar winwydd pur,
I ddisychedu y rhai
Fu'n griddfan dàn eu gwae,
O gystudd a phob trai,
  Mewn anial dir.

Rhyw gariad fel y môr,
Anfeidrol berffaith stôr,
  Heb derfyn mwy,
Sy'n llifo'n loyw, lâs,
O dàn y fainc i maes
I etifeddion grâs -
  Eu bywyd hwy.

O! heddwch pur y nef!
'D oes a'i hadnebydd ef
  Tu yma i'r bedd;
'Ddeallodd neb erioed
Sy'n trigo îs y rhôd,
Y pleser sydd yn bôd
  Mewn nefol hedd.
I'w gweled :: Yn dangos

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [664.6664]:
Beaumaris (<1875)
Bethel (John Roberts 1822-77)
Gobaith (<1875)
Weston (Arthur E Dyer 1843- )

(The Dwelling-place of God and his Saints)
The delightful Canaan yonder is
To be seen as at hand
  In the light of heaven;
Come ye now towards the land,
The pure dwelling-place of our Father,
Let none of our feet become weary
  Until we get home.

Grape clusters there are
Hanging night and day,
  On a pure vine,
To quench the thirst of those
Who were groaning under their woe,
From affliction and every draining,
  In a desert land.

Some love like the sea,
An immeasurable perfect store,
  With no more end,
Is flowing brightly, blue,
From under the throne out
To the heirs of grace -
  Their life.

O, the pure peace of heaven!
There is no-one who knows it
  On this side of the grave;
No-one has ever understood,
Who is dwelling below the sky,
The pleasure that is existing
  In heavenly peace.
To be seen :: Appearing

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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