Mae'r gyfraith er ei grym

(Y gyfraith wedi ei boddloni)
  Mae'r gyfraith er ei grym,
    A'i dychrynedig loes,
  A'i holl felldithion llym
    Yn dawel ar y groes;
Ac angeu'i hun mewn cadwyn gref,
'N awr wedi'r Oen ei 'speilio ef.

  'Doedd aberth is y nef
    А dalai'r d'led yn llawn,
  Ond marw o hono ef
    Ar groesbren un prydnawn;
Mwy gwerthfawr loes nā buasai'r hyd
O'r bron yn marw droswy' gyd.

  Mae rhinwedd mawr ei waed
    Yn drymach yn y nef
  Nā'r pechod mwyaf gaed,
    A'i holl euogrwydd ef;
Gwrandewir llais ei
      farwol glwy'
О flaen eu bloeddiau damniol hwy.

  Ni th'wa11twyd gwaed y groes
    Ar ddim erioed i'r llawr;
  Ni 'ddefwyd angeu loes
    Heb ryw ddybenion mawr;
A thyma oedd ei amcan ef
Ein dwyn o'r byd
      i deyrnas nef.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 666688]

(The law having been satisfied)
  The law despite its force,
    And its terrified anguish,
  And all its sharp damnations
    Quiet on the cross;
And death itself in a strong chain,
Now the Lamb having despoiled it.

  No sacrifice under heaven
    Would pay the debt fully,
  But death from himself
    On a wooden cross one afternoon;
More precious anguish than if all the whole
World entirely died for me.

  The great merit of his blood is
    Weightier in heaven
  Than the great sin there is,
    And all its guilt;
The voice of his mortal wound
      shall be heard
Before their condemnatory shouts.

  The blood of the cross was never poured
    Out for nothing to the ground;
  The throes of death were not revealed
    Without some great purpose;
And this is his intention:
To lead us from the world
      to the kingdom of heaven.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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