Mae'r Iesu yn y nef

Mae'r Iesu yn y nef,
  Ar ei orsedd wen;
O! canwn iddo Ef
  A'i goroni'n Ben.

    O! deuwch oll ynghyd,
      Canmolwn Ef o hyd,
    Moliant iddo Ef
      Lanwo'r byd a'r nef.

Daeth Iesu i lawr o'r nef,
  Daeth i ni yn Frawd:
Ym mhreseb Bethlem dref
  Gwelwyd Iesu'n dlawd.


Bu'r Iesu dan ei loes
  Gynt ar Galfari;
Dioddefodd angau'r groes
  Er ein hachub ni.


Bu'r Iesu'n wael ei wedd
  Yn y ddaear ddu:
Ond daeth i'r lan o'r bedd
  Ac esgynnodd fry.


Mae'r Iesu yn y nef
  Ar ei orsedd wen:
O! canwn iddo Ef
  A'i goroni'n Ben.
Robert Beynon 1881-1953

Tôn [6565]: Mae'r Iesu Yn Y Nef (alaw Ellmynig)

Jesus is in heaven,
  On his white throne;
O let us sing unto him
  And crown him as Head!

  O let us all come together!
       Let us extol him always,
     May praise unto him
       Fill the world and heaven.

Jesus came down from heaven,
  He came to us as a Brother:
In the manger of the town of Bethlehem
  Jesus was seen poor.


Jesus was in anguish
  Once on Calvary;
He suffered the death of the cross
  In order to save us.


Jesus was in a poor condition
  In the black earth:
But he came up from the grave
  And ascended above.


Jesus is in heaven,
  On his white throne;
O let us sing unto him
  And crown him as Head!
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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