Mae'r Tad yn anfon gweision gwych

(Gwahoddiad i gredu yr efengyl - Rhan I)
Mae'r Tad yn anfon gweision gwych
  Yn fynych ataf fi,
Gan gynyg i'm Iachawdwr rhad
  O Drefniad Un yn Dri:
Mae holl drysorau pur y nef
  Yn cyd-breswylio ynddo ef;
Fe lifa gras fel afon gref,
  Rhaid addef, o Fab Duw.

Clyw f'enaid euog, llwythog i,
  Beth meddu di am un
Sy'n Hollalluog enwog ŵr,
  A'i enw'n dŵr i'r dyn:
A ai di, enaid, ar ei ol?
  Mae'n annherfynol nerthol Naf;
O cyfod bellach, ynddo cred,
  Nac oeda, – dywed, Af!

Ei eiddo ef yw'r nef yn awr,
  Mae'n Frenin mawr ei fri;
A phan briodir ni ag ef,
  Rhoi'r hawl i'r nef i ni:
A ai di, enaid, ar ei ol?
  Mae yn anfeidrol nerthol Naf;
O cyfod bellach, ynddo cred,
  Nac ofna, – dywed, Af!

Mae Crist yn berson union oll,
  Pur, hawddgar, digoll, da;
Ac byth ni chyfnewidia'i wedd,
  Mor rhyfedd fe barha: –
A ai di, enaid, ar ei ol?
  Mae yn rhyfeddol nerthol Naf;
Nac ofna mwyach, ynddo cred,
  A brysia, – dywed, Af!

        - - - Rhan II - - -

Mae'n wyn a gwridog, enwog ŵr,
  A doeth Iachawdwr da;
Y rhai sy'n flin
    gan bwys eu llwyth,
  Ei hun fe'u hesmwytha: -
A ai di, enaid, ar ei ol?
Mae'n holl-ddigonol nerthol Naf;
Mae'n ddigon cryf, - O brysia, cred,
  Nac oeda, - dywed, Af!

Mae ef yn Dduw mawr, byw, mewn bod,
  Yn Undod, Trindod, draw,
Er trag'wyddoldeb cyn bod neb,
  I dragwyddoldeb ddaw:–
A ai di, enaid, ar ei ol?
Mae yn anfeidrol nerthol Naf:
O cyfod bellach, ynddo cred,
  Nac ofna, – dywed, Af!

Crist ydyw'r Bugail mawr diball,
  Arweinia'r dall i dŷ;
Dyddanu'r gwan eu meddwl mae,
  A'u llawenhau yn llu:–
A ai di, enaid, ar ei ol?
Mae yn rhinweddol nerthol Naf;
Fe'th dderbyn fel yr ydwyt, cred,
  I'w ganlyn, – dywed, Af!

Pan elych di
    trwy'r dyfroedd dwys,
  Fe gynal bwys dy ben;
Pan rodiech di trwy'r tân,
    ni'th lysg;
  Ai adre'
      â'th wisg yn wen:–
Gwell i ti fyned ar ei ol,
Mae'n holl-bresennol nerthol Naf;
Gwych Haul cyfiawnder,
    ynddo cred,
  I'w ganlyn, – dywed, Af!

Pan elych trwy'r Iorddonen ddû,
  Cei lechu yn ei law; -
Fe'th ddwg di, enaid llesg i'r làn,
  I'w nefol drigfan draw:
Cei ganu'n llafar gyda'r llu
Sy'n llawenychu yn eu Naf:–
A ai di i'w ganlyn, doed a ddêl?
  O d'wed yn uchel, Af!
Edward Jones 1761-1836

Tôn [8686.8886]: Abernant (<1835)

  Rhan II - Mae'n wyn a gwridog enwog ŵr
  Crist ydyw'r Bugail mawr di-ball

(An invitation to believe the gospel - Part 1)
The Father is sending fine servants
  Often to me,
Offering me free Salvation
  From the Plan of One in Three:
All the pure treasures of heaven
  Are co-residing in him;
Grace shall flow like a strong river,
  One must confess, from the Son of God.

Hear, my guilty, burdened soul,
  What thou dost possess for one
Who is an Almighty famous man,
  And his name water to the man:
And wilt thou go, soul, after him?
  He is a boundless strong Master;
O arise henceforth, believe in him,
  Do not delay, - say, I go!

Belonging to him is heaven now,
  He is a King of great renown;
And when we are married to him,
  He will give the right to heaven to us:
Goest thou, soul, after him?
  He is an infinite, strong Chief;
O arise henceforth, believe in him,
  Do not fear, - say, I go!

Christ is a person all upright,
  Pure, beautiful, unfailing, good;
And never will he change his countenance,
  How wonderfully he will endure: -
Goest thou, soul, after him?
  He is a wonderful, strong Chief;
Fear no longer, believe in him,
  Do not fear, - say, I go!

            - - - Part 2 - - -

He is white and ruddy, a famous man,
  And a good, wise Saviour;
Those who are wearied
    by the weight of their load,
  He himself will relieve: -
Wilt thou go, soul, after him?
He is a wholly-sufficient, strong Lord;
He is strong enough, - O hurry, believe,
  Do not delay, - say, I will go!

He is a great God, alive, existing,
  A Unity, Trinity, yonder,
For an eternity before anything was,
  To a coming eternity:-
Wilt thou go, soul, after him?
He is an infinite, strong Lord:
O arise now, believe in him,
  Do not fear, - say, I will go!

Christ is the great, unfailing Shepherd,
  Who leads the blind home;
Comforting those of weak mind he is,
  And cheering them as a host:-
Wilt thou go, soul, after him?
He is a virtuous, strong Lord:
He will receive thee as thou art, believe,
  To follow him, - say, I will go!

When thou goest
    through the intense waters,
  He will support the weight of thy head;
When thou walkest through the fire,
    it will not burn thee;
  Thou wilt go home
      with thy clothing white:-
Thou hadst better go after him,
He is an all-present, strong Lord;
A brilliant Sun of righteousness,
    believe in him,
  To follow him, - say, I will go!

When thou goest through the black Jordan,
  Thou wilt get to hide in his hand; -
He will bring thee, feeble soul, up
  To the heavenly dwelling yonder:
Thou shalt get to sing aloud with the host
Who are rejoicing in their Lord:-
Wilt thou go to follow him come what may?
  O say loudly, I will go!
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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