Mae rhyw fyrdd o ryfeddodau (Yn yr iachawdwriaeth rad)

(Yr iachawdwriaeth yn rhyfeddod nef a daear)
Mae rhyw fyrdd o ryfeddodau,
  Yn yr iachawdwriaeth rad,
Hon yw'r afon fawr a lifodd,
  O dan riniog
      tŷ fy Nhad;
Yn ei ffrydiau dwg fi adre',
  Gyd â'r dyrfa
      hardd ei gwedd,
Minnau ganaf am ei rhinwedd,
  Byth yr ochr draw i'r bedd.

Bydd angylion yn rhyfeddu
  Draw i oesoedd rif y dail,
Gweled myrdd o bechaduriaid
  Yn dysgleirio fel yr haul;
Wedi d'od o wlad y cystudd,
  Wedi gadael byd o boen,
Ac yn gwisgo'r gynau gwynion
  Wedi'u cànu yn ngwaed yr Oen.

Nid oes neb o'r hardd gyfeillion,
  Yno yn teimlo cur na phoen;
Trowd eu galar yn ganiadau
  Am gystuddiau'r addfwyn Oen.
Rhyfedd byth os gwelir finau
  Gyda'r dyrfa
      lon ei gwedd,
Yn cael edrych a rhyfeddu
  Yr anfeidrol gynghor hedd!
Gweled myrdd o :: Gwel'd myrddiynau o

Griffith Ellis, Brithdir.

Tôn [8787D]: Mount of Olives (L v Beethoven / W L Viner)

(The salvation causing heaven and earth to wonder)
There are some thousands of wonders,
  In the gracious salvation,
This is the great river that flowed,
  From under the threshold
      of my Father's house;
In its streams it will bring my home,
  With the throng of a
      beautiful countenance,
I too shall sing about his merit,
  Forever on yonder side of the grave.

Angels shall be wondering
  Yonder for ages numerous as the foliage,
Let a myriad of sinners be seen
  Shining like the sun;
Having come from the land of tribulation,
  Having left a world of pain,
And wearing the white robes
  Bleached in the blood of the Lamb.

There is none of the beautiful friends,
  There feeling wound or pain;
The lamentation was turned into songs
  About the dear Lamb's tribulations.
A wonder forever is I am to be seen
  With the throng of a
      cheerful countenance,
Getting to look and wonder at
  The immeasurable counsel of peace!

tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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