Manna nefol sy arnaf eisiau

Manna nefol sy_arnaf eisiau,
  Dwr rhedegog gloew byw,
Sydd yn tarddu o dan riniog
  Temel sanctaidd bur fy Nuw;
Golchi'r aflan, cānu'r Ethiop,
  Gwneyd yr euog brwnt yn lân,
Ti gei'r clod
    ryw fyrdd o oesoedd
  'Nol i'r ddaear fynd yn dân.

Y mae nefoedd yn ei gwn'ni,
  Y mae bywyd yn ei wedd;
Ag sy'n gwneuthur angeu'n gyfaill,
  Ag sy'n peri concro'r bedd:
Rho'th gyfeillach Iesu addfwyn,
  Dyna 'wy'n ei geisio i gyd;
Ac mi fyddaf foddlon ddiddig,
  I oll a gwrddwyf yn y byd.

Y mae meddwl am ei haeddiant,
  Meddwl am ei gariad pur;
Fel rhyw ffynnon o lawenydd,
  Llawn o ddyfroedd gloyw clir;
Fe ei Hunan yw'm gogoniant,
  Fe yw'm hymffrost a fy ngrym,
Enw pawb o dan yr wybren,
  Ond ei hunan elo'n ddim.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: MCD 8686D]

  Bryd [ca'i /caf] wel'd y tir dymunol
  Pa gyfnewidiadau bynag
  Tyred Iesu i'r anialwch
  Wyneb siriol fy anwylyd

Heavenly manna I have need of,
  Running, clear, living water,
Which is issuing from under the threshold
  Of the holy, pure temple of my God;
Washing the unclean, bleaching the Ethiopian,
  Making the guilty, filthy clean,
Thou shalt get the acclaim
    some myriad of ages
  After the earth goes on fire.

There is heaven in his company,
  There is life in his countenance;
And which is making death a friend,
  And which causes to conquer the grave:
Give thy friendship, gentle Jesus,
  That is all I am seeking;
And I shall be contentedly satisfied,
  With all I meet in the world.

Thought about his merit is,
  Thought about his pure love,
Like some fount o joy,
  Full of clear, shining waters;
He Himself is my glory,
  He is my boast and my force,
The name of all under the sky,
  But his own shall become nothing.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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