Mawr iawn yw gwres y tān

  Mawr iawn yw gwres y tān,
    Fy mhechod o bob rhyw
  A ddifa oll o'i fla'n
    Rasusau pur fy Nuw;
Ond eto trech yw gallu'r nef
Na'i fflamau cynddeiriocaf ef.

  Mae enw Calfari,
    Fu gynt yn w'radwydd mawr,
  Yn ngolwg f'enaid cu
    Yn fwy na'r nef yn awr:
O! ddedwydd fryn, sancteiddiaf le,
Dderbyniodd ddwyfol waed y ne'!

  'R wy'n caru'r hyfryd awr,
      Mi gara'r hyfryd le,
    Mi garaf bren y groes
      'Gorweddodd arno 'fe:
Fy enaid, dyma'm Duw a'm Pen,
Ac oll a feddaf, ar y pren!

  Ffarwel deganau byd,
    Mae'ch tegwch hyfryd iawn
  Oll yn diflanu 'nghyd
    Ar Galfari brydnawn:
Mae da, a dyn,
      er maint eu grym,
Yn ngŵydd y groes yn myn'd yn ddim.
Mae'ch tegwch :: Mae'ch blodau

William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 666688]

  Fe gān 'tifeddion gras
  Mae enw Calfari

  Very great is the heat of the fire,
    Of my sin of every kind
  And destroy all before him shall
    The graces of my God;
But still superior is the power of heaven
To its most wrathful flames.

  The name of Calvary,
    Which was formerly greatly shameful,
  In the view of my dear soul
    Greater than heaven now:
O happy hill, most holy place!
Where heaven accepted divine blood!

  I am loving the delightful hour,
    I love the delightful place,
  I love the wood of the cross
    That lay upon him:
My soul, here is my God and my Head,
And all I possess, on the tree!

  Farewell trinkets of the world,
    Your very delightful fairness is
  All disappearing together
    On Calvary in a afternoon:
Stock, and man are,
      despite the extent of their force,
In the face of the cross going to nothing.
Your ... fairness is :: Your ... flowers are

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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