Melys ydyw cywair

Melys ydyw cywair
  Ein telynau glân,
Am fod oriau bywyd
  Oll yn llawn o gân;
Nid oes gan un plentyn
  Hawl i fod yn drist
Yn y fintai ffyddlon
  Sydd yn dilyn Crist.

    Hosanna! pêr Hosanna!
      Dyrchafwn lawen lef:
    Câr Iesu gân y galon lân,
      Hosanna iddo ef!
    Hosanna! pêr Hosanna!
    Hosanna! pêr Hosanna!
      Hosanna iddo ef!

Pan fo'r chwarae'n llawen
  Yn yr heulwen iach,
Agos iawn yw'r Ceidwad
  I bob plentyn bach;
Mae pob gwg yn cilio
  Pan fydd ef gerllaw,
Ac mor hawdd yw cydio
  Yn ei dyner law.

Gwasgwn yn agosach
  Beunydd ato ef,
Ni chawn fyth well cwmni
  Ar y ffordd i'r nef;
Ar ei wyneb annwyl
  Erys gwên o hyd,
Ac mor hawdd yw caru
  Cyfaill plant y byd.
David Rees Griffiths (Amanwy) 1882-1953
Caneuon Amanwy 1956

Tôn [6565D+7686.776]: Amanwy
    (Gwilym R Jones 1875-1953)

Sweet is the tune
  Of our holy harps,
Because the hours of life are
  Are full of song;
No child has
  The right to be sad
In the faithful troop
  That are following Christ.

    Hosanna! Sweet hosanna!
      Let us raise a joyful cry:
    Jesus loves the pure heart's song,
      Hosanna unto him!
    Hosanna! Sweet hosanna!
    Hosanna! Sweet hosanna!
      Hosanna unto him!

When playing joyfully
  In the healthy sunshine,
Very near to the Saviour
  Is every little child;
Every frown retreats
  When he is at hand,
And so easy is taking hold
  Of his tender hand.

Let us press nearer
  Daily towards him,
We shall never have better company
  On the way to heaven;
On his belover faace
  A smile remains stlll,
And so easy is loving
  The Friend of the children of the world.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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