Mewn llyngc-lyn o anobaith du

Plung'd in a gulph of dark despair

1,2,3a,4,5,6,7,8;  1,2,3a,4,6,8;  1,2,3b,8.
(Llynclyn anobaith)
Mewn llyngc-lyn o anobaith du,
  Yr oeddem ni, drueiniaid,
Heb lewyrch yn ein cyflwr gwael,
  Na gobaith cael ymwared.

Ond Iesu gwych, Tywysog gras,
  O'i nefol balas, ganfu
Ein cyflwr digynnorthwy ni, 
  A rhedodd i'n gwaredu.

Disgynodd 'lawr o'i ddisgleir lys
  I'n codi ar frys a'n cadw;
Fe gollodd trosom ni ei wa'd,
  Ac aeth i 'stad y meirw.

[Disgynodd o'i ddysgleiriaf lŷs
   I'n codi ar frys a'n cadw;
 A'i waed a gollodd ef yn lli'
   I'n gwared ni rhag marw.]

Fe 'speiliodd allu'r t'w'llwch llym,
  Fe dorrodd rym ein rhwymau;
Fe brynodd ein heneidiau 'nol,
  Rhag myn'd i'r bythol boenau.

Nid gwiw i'r Cythraul, elyn cas,
  Mwy dreio'i atgas droion;
Nyni oedd gynt ei weision caeth,
  O'i rwydau aeth yn rhyddion.

O boed i'r creigiau a'r bryniau o'u bron,
  Gyhoeddi ei dirion gariad;
A holl dafodfau dynolryw
  Foliannu Duw ein Ceidwad.

Nyni a'th folwn, Arglwydd cu,
  Ein henaid sy'n awyddus;
Hosanna o gylch y ddaear faith
  I'th Enw perffaith parchus.

Eich aur-delynau, angylion, t'rewch,
  Cyd-lawenhewch mewn caniad;
Ond wedi'r cyfan alloch wneud
  Nis gellir dweyd ei gariad.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Psalmau Dafydd 1775

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(An engulfing lake of hopelessness)
In an engulfing lake of black hopelessness,
  Were we wretches,
With no radiance in our poor condition,
  Nor hope of getting delivered.

But wonderful Jesus, the Prince of grace,
  From his heavenly palace, perceived
Our helpless condition,
  And ran to deliver us.

He descended down from his radiant court
  To raise us quickly and save us;
He shed for us his blood,
  And went to the estate of the dead.

[The descended from his most radiant court
   To raise us quickly and save us;
 With his blood that he shed as a flood
   To deliver us from dying.]

He spoiled the power of the sharp darkness,
  He broke the force of our bonds;
He bought our souls back,
  From going to the everlasting pains.

In vain may the Devil, a detestable enemy,
  Try his horrible turns any more;
We who were once his captive servants,
  From his nets went free.

O let the rocks and the hills completely
  Publish his tender love;
And all the tongues of humankind
  Praise God our Saviour.

We shall praise thee, dear Lord,
  Whose souls are eager;
Hosannah around the vast earth
  To thy perfect revered name.

You golden harps, ye angels strike,
  Rejoice together in a song;
But after all ye can do
  His love cannot be told.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion
(Praise to the Redeemer)
Plung'd in a gulph of dark despair
  We wretched sinners lay,
Without one cheerful beam of hope,
  Or spark of glimmering day.

With pitying eyes, the Prince of Grace
  Beheld our helpless grief,
He saw, and (O amazing love!)
  He ran to our relief.

He spoiled the powers of darkness thus,
  And brake our iron chains;
Jesus hath freed our captive souls
  From everlasting pains.

[He spoiled the powers of darkness thus,
   And brake our iron chains;
 Jesus hath freed our captive souls
   From everlasting pains.]

In vain the baffled prince of hell
  His cursèd projects tries
We that were doomed his endless slaves
  Are raised above the skies.

Down from the shining seats above
  With joyful haste he fled,
Enter'd the grave in mortal flesh,
  And dwelt among the dead.

O for this love, let rocks and hills
  Their lasting silence break,
And all harmonious human tongues
  The Saviour's praises speak.

Yes, we will praise Thee, dearest Lord,
  Our souls are all on flame;
Hosannah round the spacious earth
  To Thine adored name.

Angels, assist our mighty joys,
  Strike all your harps of gold;
But when you raise your highest notes
  His love can ne'er be told.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707-9

Tune [CM 8686]: Ballerma (François H Barthélémon 1741-1808)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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