hyder a gorfoledd y credadyn) Mi bwysaf arnat, Arglwydd, Tra yma byddwyf byw, Dy angau sydd yn deilwng, Ti wyt anfeidrol Dduw; O ateb dros fy meiau, A chliria fi â'th waed, Yn ngŵydd yr holl angylion, Yn awr ger bron fy Nhad. Ni 'edrychaf ar ddim arall Yn unig ond tydi, Tan hoelion dur yn griddfan, Ar fynydd Calfari; Fy lloches rhag euogrwydd, Tra ar y ddaear hon, Fydd tyllau'r hoelion geirwon, A chlwyf y waewffon. Yn awr wy'n gorfoleddu, Can's gosod wnes y sail Ar gadarn Graig yr oesoedd, Sef haeddiant Adda'r ail; Dim arall tan y nefoedd All roddi imi hedd, A thawel orfoleddu Yn wyneb angau a'r bedd. Duw, rho imi ffydd i edrych, Y'mhob caethiwed du, A phechod arna'i 'n gwasgu, I fryniau Calfari; Gwna i fy nghalon deimlo Yr anghydmharol loes, Yn lloches gynnes dawel, Yn wastad tan y groes.William Williams 1717-91 Goglwg ar Deyrnas Crist
Tonau [7676D]: |
of the confidence and rejoicing of the believer) I lean upon thee, Lord, While here I am living, Thy death is worthy, Thou art infinite God; O answer for my faults, And clear me with thy blood, In the presence of all the angels, Now before my Father. I shall not look on anything else Except thee alone, Under steel nails groaning, On the mount of Calvary; My refuge against guilt, While on this earth, Shall be the holes of the rough nails, And the wound of the spear. Now I am rejoicing, Since I set the foundation On the firm Rock of ages, That is the merit of the second Adam; None other under heaven Can give to me peace, And quiet rejoicing In the face of death and the grave. God, give me faith to look, In every black captivity, And sin pressing upon me, To the hills of Calvary; Make my heart feel The incomparable anguish, As a warm, quiet refuge, Constantly under the cross.tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion |