Mi feddyliais cawn i f'Arglwydd, Yn nghwmpeini mawrion byd, Yn mhlith mwrddwyr, yn mhlith lladron, Gwelais 'gynta'i wyneb pryd; Ar y croesbren, Nid yn llys breninoedd byd. [Mi feddyliais cawswn f'Arglwydd, Yn nghwmdeithas mawrion byd, Yn mhlith lladron a llofruddion, Gwelais 'gynta'i wyneb pryd; Ar y croesbren, Nid yn llys un brenin gwych.] Dacw lofrudd ar ei aswy, Dacw leidr ar ei dde, Draw fe'i hoeliwyd yn y canol, Frenin daear, frenin ne', Mi apelia', At yr orsedd ar y groes. Ni raid esgyn fry i'r nefoedd, Y mae'r nefoedd ar y pren, Fe ddaeth mynydd hen Galfaria, 'Nawr er's dyddiau'n un â'r nen; Daeth Morïa, 'Nawr yn ysgol sound i'r nef. Dring fy enaid i'th orphwysfa, Y mae'r nefoedd wrth dy glun, 'Rhwn a greodd haul a lleuad, 'Nawr a wisgodd natur dyn; Edrych arno, Credu ydyw pen y daith. Mae fy Mhriod, mae f'Anwylyd, 'Nawr yn dangos i mi wlad, Nas gall dyfais temtasiynau, Byth i syflyd dim o'm traed: Mi af yno, Dyna'r man caf ddedwydd fyw.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [878747]: gwelir: Dacw gariad dacw bechod |
I thought I would find my Lord, In the company of the world's great ones, Amongst murderers, amongst thieves, I first saw his countenance; On the wooden cross, Not in the court of the world's kings. [I thought I would find my Lord, In the fellowship of the world's great ones, Amongst thieves and murderers, I first saw his countenance; On the wooden cross, Not in the court of any brilliant king.] There is a slayer on his left, There is a thief on his right, Yonder he was nailed in the middle, The King of earth, the king of heaven, I will appeal, To the throne on the cross. No need to ascend up to heaven, Heaven is on the cross, The mountain of old Calvary became, Now since days ago, one with the sky; Moriah became, Now a ladder fixed to heaven. Climb, my soul, to thy resting-place, Heaven is my thy thigh, He who created sun and moon, Now has worn the nature of man; Look upon him, Believe it is the end of the journey. My Spouse is, my Beloved is, Now showing me a land, No scheme of temptation can Ever shift my feet at all: I will go there, That is the spot I will get happily to live.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |