Mi gefais sylfaen dan fy nhraed

Now I have found the ground wherein

(Angor yr Enaid)
Mi gefais sylfaen dan fy nhraed,
Ac angor cadarn yn y gwaed, -
  Archollion Iesu,
      'r Aberth drud,
  A laddwyd cyn
      sylfaenu'r byd;
Ni syfla ei drugaredd mwy,
Ca'dd angau glās yn Iesu glwy'.

Er tynu lawr
    y tŷ o bridd,
Ar gadarn sail fy enaid sydd;
  Mae f'angor fry tu fewn i'r llen:
  Fe'm gwelir inau uwch y nen,
Yn canu'n llon ar ben y daith
I eithaf tragwyddoldeb maith.
cyf. John Bryan 1776-1856
Diferion y Cysegr 1809
(The Anchor of the Soul)
I got a foundation under my feet,
And a firm anchor in the blood, -
  The wounds of Jesus,
      the precious Sacrifice,
  Who was slain before the
      founding of the world;
His mercies can never be shaken,
Death got its bruise in wounded Jesus.

Despite the pulling down
    of the house of clay,
On a firm base my soul is;
  My anchor is above within the curtain:
  I shall be seen above the sky,
Singing cheerfully at my journey's end
To the extremity of a vast eternity.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
Now I have found the ground wherein
  Sure my soul's anchor may remain,
The wounds of Jesus
    for my sin
  Before the world's
      foundation slain;
Whose mercy shall unshaken stay,
When heav'n and earth are fled away.

Fixed on this ground
    will I remain,
  Though my heart fail, and flesh decay;
This anchor shall my soul sustain,
  When earth's foundations melt away;
Mercy's full pow'r I then shall prove,
Loved with an everlasting love.
tr. John Wesley 1703–91
Hymns and Sacred Poems 1740

from the German
Ich habe nun den Grund gefunden
Johann A Rothe 1688-1758

Tunes [88.88.88]:
Anchor (Alfred Beer 1874-1963)
Madrid (William Matthews 1759-1830)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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