[Cawsom / Mi ges] arwyddion gwir

(O! Ffrind troseddwyr)
Cawsom arwyddion gwir,
  O gariad pur ein Duw;
Ei ras a'i dawel hyfryd hedd,
  I'n henaid rhyfedd yw;
Y'mhell o'r babell hon,
  Mae'n calon gyd ag e';
O ffrynd troseddwŷr
    tyn ni'n llon
  Yn union tu a'r nef.

          - - - - -

Mi ges arwyddion gwir,
  O gariad pur fy Nuw;
Ei ras a'i dawel hyfryd hedd,
  I'm henaid rhyfedd yw.

Yn mhell o'r babell hon,
  Mae nghalon gydaf E' -
O Ffrind troseddwyr tyn fi'n llon,
  Yn union tua'r ne'.
William Williams 1717-91
      neu   |   or
John Hughes 1776-1843
Diferion y Cysegr 1809

Tôn [MB 6686]: St Michael (William Crotch 1775-1847)

  Chwi bererinion glân
  Daeth bore i'r adar mân

(O Friend of transgressors)
We received true signs,
  Of the pure love of our God;
His grace and his quiet, pleasant peace,
  Are wonderful to our soul;
Far from this tent,
  Our heart is with him;
O Friend of transgressors,
    draw us cheerfully
  Straight towards heaven.

                - - - - -

I have had true signs,
  From the pure love of my God;
His grace and his quiet, delightful peace,
  Is a wonder to my soul.

Far away from this tent,
  My heart is with Him -
O Friend of transgressors draw me cheerfully,
  Directly towards heaven.
tr. 2013,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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