Mi glywa'th hyfryd lais

I hear thy welcome voice

Mi glywa'th hyfryd lais
  Yn galw arnaf fi,
I'm golchi yn y llif o waed,
  A ddaeth o Galfari.

    Dof, fy Arglwydd cu
      Ar dy alwad di;
    Golch fi, golch fi, yn y gwaed
      A ddaeth o Galfari.

Mae'th alwad wrth fy modd,
  Yn cadarnhau fy ffydd,
I dynu trwy y dywyll nos,
  I wlad o fythol ddydd.

O! Iesu mawr, cryfha
  O'm mewn dy nefol waith,
Ac estyn i mi ras wrth raid,
  Nes do'd i ben fy daeth.

Rho felus brawf i mi,
  Dy fod o'th ras yn llawn,
A dof yn iach i'r nefoedd fry,
  Wrth bwyso ar dy Iawn.

Fy nghân fydd am y gras
  A'm cododd ar fy nhraed,
Ac am y waredigaeth lawn
  Ddaeth im' trwy
          rin dy waed.
cyf. Caniadau y Cyssegr a'r Teulu 1878

Tôn [MBD 6686D]: Gwahoddiad / Welcome Voice
    (Lewis T Hartsough 1828-1919)

I hear thy delightful voice
  Calling upon me,
To wash me in the flow of blood,
  That came from Calvary.

    I come, my Dear Lord
      At thy call;
    Wash me, wash me, in the blood
      That came from Calvary.

Thy call is delightful to me,
  Confirming my faith,
To draw through the dark night,
  To the land of everlasting day.

O great Jesus, strengthen
  Within me thy heavenly work!
And extend to me grace according to need,
  Until coming to my journey's end.

Give a sweet proof to me,
  That thou art full of grace,
And I shall come safely to heaven above,
  Leaning upon thy Atonement.

My song shall be about the grace
  Which raised me to my feet,
And about the full deliverance
  That came to me through
          the merit of the blood.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
I hear Thy welcome voice
  That calls me, Lord, to Thee,
For cleansing in Thy precious blood
  That flowed on Calvary.

    I am coming Lord!
      Coming now to Thee!
    Wash me, cleanse me in the blood
      That flowed on Calvary!

'Tis Jesus calls me on
  To perfect faith and love -
To perfect hope, and peace, and trust,
  For earth and heaven above.

'Tis Jesus Who confirms
  The blessèd work within,
By adding grace to welcomed grace,
  Where reigned the power of sin.

And He the witness gives
  To loyal hearts and free
That ev'ry promise is fulfilled,
  If faith but brings the plea.

All hail, atoning blood!
  All hail, redeeming grace!
All hail, the gift of Christ our Lord,
  Our Strength and
1872 Lewis T Hartsough 1828-1919

Tune [DSM 6686D]: Welcome Voice
    (Lewis T Hartsough 1828-1919)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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