Mi glywais lef, llef tyrfa fawr, Fel tyrfau cryfion uwch y llawr, Neu ddyfroedd yn dylifo i lawr O uchder nef y nef; Cans daeth priodas Mab y Dyn, Yr addfwyn Oen, fendigaid Un; "A'i Wraig a'i paratôdd ei hun": Gogoniant iddo Ef. O! Wraig yr Oen, fe'i gwisgwyd hi Mewn lliain main o ddwyfol fri, Cyfiawnder disglair Calfari, - Rhyfeddod nef y nef! I'r neithior rhodia fel y wawr Yn sŵn yr Haleliwia fawr: Gorfoledd unllais nef a llawr, Gogoniant iddo Ef.John T Job 1867-1938 Tôn [886D]: Dilys (Philip Thomas 1857-) |
I heard a cry, the cry of a great throng, Like strong throngs above the earth, Or waters pouring down From the height of the heaven of heaven; Since the wedding of the Son of Man came, The gentle Lamb, a blessed One; "And his Bride having prepared herself": Glory unto him. O the Bride of the Lamb, she was dressed In fine linen of divine renown, The radiant righteousness of Calvary, - The wonder of the heaven of heaven! To the wedding-feast she rides like the dawn To the sound of the great Hallelujah: The jubilation in unison of heaven and earth, Glory unto him.tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion |