Mi godaf fy ngolwg i fyny

(Gobaith am Lanhad)
Mi godaf fy ngolwg i fyny
  O ddyfnder fy nhlodi
      a'm gwae;
Mi glywais am gariad yr Iesu,
  Ei fod ef o hyd yn parhau:
Pwy ŵyr na chaf finnau drugaredd,
  Pwy ŵyr na chaf
      wella fy mriw,
Ac na chaf fy hunan o'r diwedd
  Yn berffaith ar ddelw fy Nuw?

Rhyfeddod yr holl ryfedddau
  Fydd gweled pechadur mor fawr,
Un faeddwyd dan draed temtasiynau
  Yn holl bethau ffiaidd y llawr;
Gweld hwnnw yn wynnach na'r eira,
  Yn rhydd o bob pechod a phoen,
Fydd testun y can rhagora'
  Am rinwedd marwolaeth yr Oen.
David Evans 1833-1920

Tonau [9898D]:
Bethel (alaw Gymreig)
Crugybar (alaw Gymreig)

(Hope for Cleansing)
I raise my view up
  From the depth of my poverty
      and my woe;
I heard about the love of Jesus,
  That it still endures:
Who knows that I too may get mercy,
  Who knows that I may
      get my bruise healed,
And that I may get myself in the end
  Perfect in the image of my God?

The wonder of all the wonders
  Shall be to see a sinner so great,
One beaten under the feet of temptations
  In all the detestable things of earth;
To see this one whiter than the snow,
  Free from all sin and pain,
Shall be the theme of the best song
 About the merit of the death of the Lamb.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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