Mi wela'r tir trwy ffydd

(Y Fordaith Ysbrydol)
  Mi wela'r tir trwy ffydd -
    Yr hafan fythol yw;
  O! hwylia f'enaid prudd,
    I fynwes Iesu gwiw!
O! am gyrhaeddyd nefol nyth,
Y lle na ddaw tymhestoedd byth.

  Chwyth, Ysbryd Glân! yn awr,
    Nefolaidd awel gref,
  A'm dwg trwy foroedd mawr,
    I'm cartref yn y nef!
O fyd a chnawd, âg uchel hwyl,
I'r porthladd âf i gadw gwyl!
James Hughes (Iago Trichrug) 1779-1844

Tôn [666688]: Beverley (alaw Seisnig)

gwelir: Ar air fy Iesu mâd

(The Spiritual Voyage)
  I see the land through faith -
    The everlasting haven it is;
  O! sail my sad soul,
    To the bosom of worthy Jesus!
O to reach a heavenly nest,
Where no tempests every come.

  Blow, Holy Spirit, now,
    A strong, heavenly breeze,
  That will bring me through great seas,
    To my home in heaven!
From world and flesh, with high spirits,
To the harbour I shall go to keep festival!
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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