Molwn Di, O! Dduw'r goleuni, Am ein llyfrau da bob un; Drwy eu darllen dyro inni Gael dy feddwl Di dy Hun. Diolch iti'n fwy na'r cyfan Am y gyfrol orau i gyd, Sy'n dy ddangos Di ym mhobman Yn Waredwr i'r holl fyd. Diolch iti am ddarluniau Tywysogion bore ffydd; Diolch iti am y salmau I'n diddanu'r nos a'r dydd. Diolch am y dewr broffwydi Fu'n cyhoeddi d'enw glân, A'u hanfarwol gendwri Eto'n llawn o'r dwyfol dân. Diolch am yr hardd ddalennau Lle mae'r hanes gorau 'rioed, - Hanes Iesu Grist a'i eiriau, Ffrind y plant a Ffrind pob oed! Am y Beibl cyd-ddiolchwn, Ar ei eiriau oll gwrandawn; Nid oes drysor byth a feddwn Fel y trysor ynddo gawn.Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953 Tôn: Blaenwern (W P Rowlands 1860-1937) |
We praise thee, O God of the light, For our good books, every one; Through reading them grant us To get thine own thoughts. Thanks to thee more than the whole For the best book of all, That shows thee everywhere As Deliverer to the whole world. Thanks to thee for the portraits Of the princes of the morn of faith; Thanks to thee for the psalms To comfort us by night and by day. Thanks for the brave prophets Who published thy holy name, And their immortal emissaries Still full of the divine fire. Thanks for the beautiful pages Where there is the best story every, - The story of Jesus Christ and his words, The Friend of children and the Friend of every age! For the Bible we give thanks together, To all its words let us listen; There is no treasure we possess Like the treasure we find in 2024 Richard B Gillion |