Mor ddisglaer ydyw'r Seren Dydd

Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern / O morning star how fair and bright

(Y Seren Ddydd)
Mor ddisglaer ydyw'r Seren Ddydd!
Per wreiddyn Jesse'n gyflawn sydd
  O râs a phur wirionedd.
Brenhinol hâd - y Gair yn gnawd;
Fy Mhrïod ydyw, a fy Mrawd -
  Fy Nuw - fy llawn ddigonedd.
    Hawddgar, hawddgar,
    Heb Ei gymmar;
    Uchel, isel;
    Ei drysorau,
Moroedd ydynt, heb geulanau.

Tydi; Goleuni'r nefoedd lawn,
Goleua'm calon dywell iawn,
  A gwna Dy allor yno;
Yn un â Thi, rho imi'th hedd,
Dy gariad pur a'th ddwyfol wedd -
  Gorfoledd byth heb flino;
    'R wy'n hiraethu,
    Brysia tyred;
    Am Dy weled
    'R wy'n diffygio,
Mae fy nghalon yn llesmeirio.

Ond o'th wyneb-pryd, O fy Nuw!
Y ffrydia i lawr belydrau byw,
  O bleser pur, di-sorod;
O'th Air a'th Ysbryd
      câf fwynhâd,
Ymborthaf ar Dy gnawd a'th waed,
  Heb ofni trai na darfod;
    Dyro, Arglwydd,
    O'th drugaredd,
    O'th orfoledd;
    'R wyf yn galw;
Ti yn gyntaf ddaeth i'm cadw.

'R wy'n dawel gyda'm Harglwydd Dduw,
Y Diwedd a'r Dechreuad yw,
  Y Cyntaf yw a'r Olaf;
Câf huno yma yn ddi-fraw,
Tydi a'm c'odi ddydd a ddaw,
  I'r wlad heb boen nac anaf:
    Amen, Amen,
    Arglwydd, tyred,
    Brysia i waered,
    I'n gwaredu,
Groesaw, groesaw, tyred, Iesu.
efel. John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) 1822-77

Tôn [887.887.4444.8]: Y Seren Ddydd
    (Philipp Nicolai 1556-1608)

(The Day Star)
How radiant is the Day Star!
The sweet root of Jesse is full
  Of grace and pure truth.
A royal seed - the Word as flesh;
My Spouse he is, and my Brother -
  My God - my full sufficiency.
    Beautiful, beautiful,
    Without his equal;
    High, low;
    His treasures,
Seas they are, without shores.

Thou; the light of the full heavens,
Enlighten my very dark heart,
  And make thy altar there;
As one with thee, give to me thy peace,
The pure love and thy divine countenance -
  Rejoicing forever without wearying;
    I am longing,
    Hurry to come;
    To see thee
    I am fainting,
My heart is swooning.

But from thy countenance, O my God!
Stream down living rays,
  Of pure, unsullied pleasure;
Of thy Word and thy Spirit
      I may get enjoyment,
I feed on thy flesh and thy blood,
  Without fearing ebbing or fading;
    Grant, Lord,
    Of thy mercy,
    to rejoice in thee;
    I am calling;
Thou first came to save me.

I am quietly with my Lord God,
The Beginning and the Ending he is,
  The First and the Last;
I make get to sleep here fearlessly,
Thou shalt raise me on the coming day,
  To the land without pain or injury:
    Amen, Amen,
    Lord, come,
    Hurry down,
    To deliver us,
Welcome, welcome, come, Jesus.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
O morning star, how fair and bright
Thou beamest forth in truth and light!
  O Sovereign meek and lowly!
Sweet Root of Jesse, David's Son,
My King and Bridegroom, Thou hast won
  My heart to love Thee solely!
    Lovely art Thou,
    fair and glorious,
    All victorious,
    Rich in blessing,
Rule and might o'er all possessing.

Thou heavenly Brightness! Light divine!
O deep within my heart now shine,
  And make Thee there an altar!
Fill me with joy and strength to be
Thy member, ever, joined to Thee
  In love that cannot falter;
    Toward Thee longing
    doth possess me;
    Turn and bless me;
    For Thy gladness
Eye and heart here pine in sadness.

But if Thou look on me in love,
There straightway falls from God above
  A ray of purest pleasure;
Thy Word and Spirit,
      flesh and blood,
Refresh myself with heavenly food,
  Thou art my hidden Treasure.
    Let Thy grace, Lord,
    warm and cheer me,
    O draw near me;
    Thou hast taught us
Thee to seek, since Thou has sought us.

Here will I rest, and hold it fast,
The Lord I love is First and Last,
  The End as the Beginning!
Here I can calmly die, for Thou
Wilt raise me where Thou dwellest now,
  Above all tears, all sinning:
    Amen! Amen!
    Come Lord Jesus,
    Soon release us!
    With deep yearning
Lord, we look for Thy returning!
tr. Catherine Winkworth 1827-78
Chorale Book for England 1863
from the German
Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
1597 Philipp Nicolai 1556-1608

Tune: [887.887.4444.8]: O Morning Star
    (Philipp Nicolai 1556-1608)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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