Mor ddyrchafedig wyt ein Duw

"Pa beth yw dyn i ti i'w gofio?" Salm VIII.4.
Mor ddyrchafedig wyt, ein Duw,
  Fawryddig Lyw di-gymmar, -
Dy ogoneddus ryfedd waith
  Yw nefoedd faith a daear.

Mae ôl dy law, anfeidrol Fod,
  Trwy ehang rod
Yn traethu 'r nos, mewn eglur iaith,
  Dy allu maith anorphen.

Marchogi ar y gwynt,
    ein Iôr, -
  Dy law sy 'n hwylio 'r daran, -
Yn dyst o'th fawredd, Arglwydd mad,
  Mae holl symmudiad anian.

Addefir di drwy'r
    nefoedd wen
  Ar bawb yn Ben urddasol, -
A rhydd seraphiaid iti fawl
  Yn llys y gwawl trag'wyddol.

Pa beth yw dyn, greadur gwael,
  I ti mor hael ei gofio,
A chynnyg bod o'th ryfedd ras
  Yn Noddwr addas iddo!

O derbyn glod a pharch a bri,
  O'n genau ni, rai gweinion;
Rho ini fryd i wrando'th lais,
  A gwneyd dy gais yn gyson.
Daniel Evans (Daniel Ddu o Geredigion) 1792-1846

[Mesur: MS 8787]

"What is man that thou shouldst remember him?" Psalm 8:4.
How exalted art thou, our God,
  O imcomparable, majestic Governor, -
Thy glorious, wondrous work
  Is the vast heaven and earth.

The mark of thy hand, immeasurable Being,
  Is thoughout the wide circle
      of the firmament,
The night expounding, in a clear language,
  Thy great, endless power.

Thou dost ride on the wind,
    our Sovereign, -
  'Tis thy hand that sails the thunder, -
A witness to thy greatness, esteemed Lord,
  Is all the movement of nature.

Thou art confessed throughout
    the bright heavens
  Over all as honoured Head, -
And seraphs shall give thee praise
  In the court of eternal radiance.

What is man, a base creature,
  For thee so generously to remember him,
And to offer to be of thy wonderful grace
  A suiable Refuge to him!

O receive acclaim and reverence and renown,
  From the mouths of such poor ones as we;
Give us a mind to listen to thy voice,
  And do thy bidding constantly.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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