Mor hardd yw'r byd a wnaeth ein Duw

Mor hardd yw'r byd a wnaeth ein Duw
  Yn gartref i ni'n awr;
Ei law a luniodd bob peth byw
  Ar wyneb daear lawr.

    Mae cartref gwell tu draw i'r sêr
      Yn llawn o bob mwynhad,
    A phawb yn canu'r anthem bêr
      O fawl i Dduw ein Tad.

Mae cariad Duw yn gwenu'n llon
  Trwy bob blodeuyn bach;
Mae sain y mawl sy ger Ei fron,
  Yng nghân aderyn bach.

Mae cariad Duw fel môr di-drai
  Yn llanw'r ddaear hon,
A'i ofal am Ei annwyl rai
  Yn llawenhau ein bron.

Yn nghariad Duw mae lle i ni,
  Mae'n caru plant y byd;
Daw atom eto ar y lli',
  Tawela'r tonnau i gyd.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938
Caniedydd Newydd yr Ysgol Sul 1930

Tôn [MBD 8686D]: Cartre'r Plant
    (Solomon W Straub 1842-99)

How beautiful is the world our God made
  As a home for us now;
His hand designed every living thing
  On the face of the earth below.

    There is a better home beyond the stars
      Full of every enjoyment,
    With everyone singing the sweet anthem
      Of praise to God our Father.

The love of God is smiling cheerfully
  Through every little flower;
The sound of the praise is before Him,
  In the song of the little bird.

The love of God is like an unebbing sea
  Flooding this earth,
And his care for His beloved ones
  Cheering our breast.

In the love of God is a place for us,
  He is loving the children of the world;
It comes to us still on the tide,
  Calming all the waves.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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