Mor rhyfedd fawr yw cariad Duw

God loved the world of sinners lost

(Cariad Duw)
Mor rhyfedd fawr yw cariad Duw,
  Yn Iesu a'i werthfawr waed;
I bechaduriaid gwaetha'u rhyw,
  Mae iachawdwriaeth rad.

    Cariad oedd - mor rhyfedd fawr
      Yw cariad Duw i mi!
    A ddug yr Iesu o'r nef i lawr,
      I farw ar Galfari.

Trwy ffydd, i mi mae'n
        Geidwad rhad,
  Gorchfygodd byrth y bedd;
Trwy'r prynedigaeth yn ei waed,
  'Rwy'n cael glanhad a hedd.

Trwy gariad llifa golud gras
  I'm calon egwan i;
Fy noddfa mwy rhag pechod cas
  Yw haeddiant Calfari.

Ewch, ewch mewn hedd, grediniol had,
  Cewch ernes yma'n awr -
O'r maith lawenydd a mwynhad
  Sydd yn y nefoedd fawr.

Yr Iesu faeddodd uffern gref,
  Trwy ddioddef marwol glwy';
Trwy rin ei fuddigoliaeth ef,
  Gorchfygwn ninau mwy.

Mae'r Hwn fu farw ar y groes
  Yn gryf o blaid y gwan;
Ar angeu, uffern fawr a'r bedd
  Cawn goncwest yn y man.
efel. John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) 1822-77
Swn y Jwbili 1876

Tôn [MCD 8686D]: God Loved the World
    (William G Fischer 1825-1912)

gwelir: Caed Iachawdwriaeth lawn i'r byd

(The Love of God)
How greatly wonderful is the love of God,
  In Jesus and his precious blood;
For sinners of the worst kind,
  There is free salvation.

    It was love - how greatly wonderful
      Is the love of God for me!
    That brought Jesus from heaven down,
      To die on Calvary.

Through faith, to me he is a
        gracious Saviour,
  Who overcame the portals of the grave;
Through the redemption in his blood,
  I am getting cleansing and peace.

Through love flows a wealth of grace
  To me weak heart;
My refuge evermore from detestable sin
  Is the merit of Calvary.

Go, go in peace, believing seed,
  Ye may get an earnest here now -
From the vast joy and enjoyment
  That is in the great heavens.

Jesus beat strong hell,
  Through suffering a mortal wound;
Through the merit of his victory,
  We too shall overcome evermore.

He who died on the cross is
  Strongly on the side of the weak;
Over death, great hell and the grave
  We may have a conquest soon.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
(God so loved the world)
God loved the world of sinners lost,
  And ruined by the fall;
Salvation full, at highest cost,
  He offers free to all.

    O 'twas love, 'twas wondrous love,
      The love of God to me;
    It brought my Savior from above,
      To die on Calvary!

E'en now by faith
    I claim Him mine,
  The risen Son of God;
Redemption by His death I find,
  And cleansing through the blood.

Love brings the glorious fullness in,
  And to His saints makes known
The blessèd rest from inbred sin,
  Through faith in Christ alone.

Believing souls, rejoicing go;
  There shall to you be giv'n
A glorious foretaste, here below,
  Of endless life in Heav'n.

Of victory now
    o'er Satan's power
  Let all the
      ransomed sing,
And triumph in
    the dying hour
  Through Christ,
      the Lord, our king.

Martha Matilda Stockton 1821-85
Voice of Praise 1872

Tune [MCD 8686D]: God Loved the World
    (William G Fischer 1825-1912)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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