Maddau Arglwydd ofnau'r fron

("Llonyddwch oddi wrth ofn drwg." - Diar. 1.xxxi.)
Maddau, Arglwydd, ofnau'r fron -
Ofni'r cwmwl, ofni'r dòn;
  Prawf o'th gariad a'n iachâ -
  Er mwyn Iesu, trugarhâ.

Pan fo'r enaid dan ei loes,
Wrth adgofio beiau oes,
  Estyn law i wella'r plâ -
  Er mwyn Iesu, trugarhâ.

Pan yn ofni colli'th wedd
Yn y niwl ar gyrrau'r bedd,
  Galw'n henwau, Fugail Da -
  Er mwyn Iesu, trugarhâ.

Pan yn ofni'r farn a fydd,
A rhyferthwy'r olaf ddydd,
  Cynnal ni â'r gobaith da -
  Er mwyn Iesu, trugarhâ.

Lladd ein hofnau bob yr un,
Ond dy ofni Di dy Hun!
  Dyna'r ofn a'n
      llwyr lanhâ -
  Er mwyn Iesu, trugarhâ.
Pan yn ofni colli'th :: Pryd yr ofnam golli d'

Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Y Caniedydd Cynulleidfaol 1895

Tôn [7777]: Heinlein/Hernlein
    (Nürnbergisches Gesangbuch 1676)

("Rest from fear of harm." - Prov. 1:31)
Forgive, Lord, the fears of the breast -
Fearing the cloud, fearing the wave:
  An experience of thy love shall heal us -
  For the sake of Jesus, have mercy.

When the soul be under its anguish,
Recalling the sins of an age
  Extend a hand to heal the plague -
  For the sake of Jesus, have mercy.

When fearing losing thy countenance
In the fog on the corners of the grave,
  Call our names, Good Shepherd -
  For the sake of Jesus, have mercy.

When fearing the judgment that shall be,
And the tempest of the last day,
  Uphold us with the good hope -
  For the sake of Jesus, have mercy.

Slay our fears every single one,
But the fear of thyself!
  That is the fear that shall
      completely cleanse us -
  For the sake of Jesus, have mercy.
When fearing losing thy :: When I fear losing thy

tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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