Maddau, Arglwydd, ofnau'r fron - Ofni'r cwmwl, ofni'r dòn; Prawf o'th gariad a'n iachâ - Er mwyn Iesu, trugarhâ. Pan fo'r enaid dan ei loes, Wrth adgofio beiau oes, Estyn law i wella'r plâ - Er mwyn Iesu, trugarhâ. Pan yn ofni colli'th wedd Yn y niwl ar gyrrau'r bedd, Galw'n henwau, Fugail Da - Er mwyn Iesu, trugarhâ. Pan yn ofni'r farn a fydd, A rhyferthwy'r olaf ddydd, Cynnal ni â'r gobaith da - Er mwyn Iesu, trugarhâ. Lladd ein hofnau bob yr un, Ond dy ofni Di dy Hun! Dyna'r ofn a'n llwyr lanhâ - Er mwyn Iesu, trugarhâ.
Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Tôn [7777]: Heinlein/Hernlein |
Forgive, Lord, the fears of the breast - Fearing the cloud, fearing the wave: An experience of thy love shall heal us - For the sake of Jesus, have mercy. When the soul be under its anguish, Recalling the sins of an age Extend a hand to heal the plague - For the sake of Jesus, have mercy. When fearing losing thy countenance In the fog on the corners of the grave, Call our names, Good Shepherd - For the sake of Jesus, have mercy. When fearing the judgment that shall be, And the tempest of the last day, Uphold us with the good hope - For the sake of Jesus, have mercy. Slay our fears every single one, But the fear of thyself! That is the fear that shall completely cleanse us - For the sake of Jesus, have mercy. tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion |