Mae llygaid tawel Duw Ar bawb sy'n byw yn gyfiawn: Agored yw Ei glustiau Ef I wrando llef yr uniawn. Mae wyneb Duw mewn gwg Ar bawb sy'n ddrwg eu rhodiad; I dorri eu coffa câs cyn hir Yn llwyr o dir eu trigiad. Y cyfiawn ddyrchafa'i lef, A Duw o'r nef yn gwrando: Fe'i gweryd yn Ei râs mewn pryd O'i boen i gyd, pan lefo. Un agos yw ein Iôn At friwiau'r galon glwyfus; Rhoir balm a chordial gan Dduw Naf I'r ysbryd claf dolurus.Morris Williams (Nicander) 1809-74
Tonau [MBC 6787]: |
The quiet eyes of God are On everyone who lives righteously: Open are His ears To hear the cry of the upright. The face of God is in a frown On all who are of evil conduct; To cut off their hated memory before long Completely from the land of their habitation. The righteous raises his cry, With God from heaven listening: He will deliver him in time From all his pain, when he cries. One who is close is our Master To the bruises of a wounded heart; Balm and cordial are given by God the Chief To the sad, sick 2009 Richard B Gillion |