Meddyliau pruddion ymaith ewch

Hence from my soul sad thoughts be gone

(Amheuon yn cael eu gwasgaru, neu
Lawenydd ysprydol yn cael ei ddychwelyd.)
Meddyliau pruddion ymaith ewch,
  Bryd hyn gadewch fi'n llonydd;
Fy nhafod orfoledda yn Nuw,
  A hyfryd yw'm Llawenydd.

Daeth ofn a th'w'llwch
    droso'i'n llen,
  Soddwyd fy mhen â dagrau,
Ne's dyfod pelydr gras i'm cwrdd,
  I yrru ffwrdd fy ofnau.

O pa lawenydd nefol syn
  A brofais yn fy yspryd,
Pan dd'wedodd Crist mai' eiddo o'wn i,
  A eiddo fì'm Hanwylyd.

Nid gwiw i'r temtiwr
    dorri'm hedd,
  Dwyn fy ngorfoledd ymaith;
Un wen o'th wyneb, Iesu cu,
  Ddwg gysur i mi eilwaith.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Doubts being dispelled, or
spiritual Joy being returned.)
Sad thoughts, go away,
  Now leave me tranquil;
My tongue shall rejoice in God,
  Who also is my joy.

Fear and darkness came
    over me as a curtain,
  My head sank with tears,
Until a ray of grace came to meet me,
  To drive away my fears.

O what surprising heavenly joy
  I experienced in my spirit,
When Christ said that I was his own,
  And my own was my Beloved.

In vain for the tempter
    to break my peace,
  To take my rejoicing away;
One smile from thy face, dear Jesus,
  Brings comfort to me again.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
(Doubts scattered: or,
spiritual joys restored.)
Hence from my soul, sad thoughts be gone,
  And leave me to my joys;
My tongue shall triumph in my God,
  And make a joyful noise.

Darkness and doubts
    had veiled my mind,
  And drowned my head in tears,
Till sovereign grace, with shining rays,
  Dispelled my gloomy fears.

O what immortal joys I felt,
  And raptures all divine,
When Jesus told me I was his,
  And my Beloved mine!

In vain the tempter
    frights my soul,
  And breaks my peace in vain;
One glimpse, dear Saviour, of thy face,
  Revives my joys again.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tune: [CM 8686]: St Bernard (Tochter Sion 1741)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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