Mewn cyfyngderau bydd yn Dduw

(Duw yn Noddfa a Nerth)
Mewn cyfyngderau bydd yn Dduw,
 Nid wyf ond gwyw a gwan;
Nid oes ond gallu mawr y nen
  A ddeil fy mhen i'r lan.

Ni fedda'i mewn nac o'r tu maes
  Ond nerthol ras y Nef
Yn erbyn pob tymhestloedd llym,
  A'r storom gadarn gref.

Cysyrwch fi, afonydd pur,
  Rhedegog ddyfroedd byw,
Sy'n tarddu o dan riniog cu
  Sancteiddiaf dy fy Nuw.

           - - - - -

Mewn cyfyngderau bydd yn Dduw,
  Nid wyf ond gwyw a gwan;
Nid oes ond gallu mawr y nen
  A ddeil fy mhen i'r lan.

Mae'r byd a'i degwch oll
    a'i fri,
  A'i swynion o bob rhyw,
Yn ceisio'm denu bant yn glir
  O lwybrau pur fy Nuw.

Cysurwch fi, afonydd pur,
  Rhedegog ddyfroedd byw,
Sy'n tarddu o dan riniog cu
  Sancteiddiaf dy fy Nuw.

Rho brawf im' o'r wynwydden rydd
  O fywyd sydd yn llawn;
Y ffynnon fawr agorwyd fry
  Ar Galfari brydnawn.
William Williams 1717-91

St Anne (William Croft 1678-1727)
St Flavian (Salmydd Seisnig 1562)

gwelir: Dyma bechadur truan gwan

(God as a Refuge and Strength)
In straits be thou God!
  I am only fainting and weak;
It is only the great power of heaven
  Which keeps my head up.

I have nothing, either inside or outside,
  But the strong grace of Heaven
Against all sharp tempests,
  And the firm, strong storm.

Comfort me, pure rivers,
  Living, running waters,
Which issue from under the dear threshold
  Of the holiest house of my God.

                - - - - -

In straits be thou God,
  I am only fainting and weak;
It is only the great power of heaven
  Which keeps my head up.

The world and all its fairness
    and its renown,
  And its charms of every kind,
Is trying to attract me away clearly
  From the pure paths of my God.

Comfort me, ye pure rivers,
  Running, living waters,
Which spring from under the dear threshold
  Of the most sacred house of my God.

Give me an experience of the free vine
  Of life that is full;
The great fount was opened above
  On Calvary one afternoon.
tr. 2010,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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