Molianned uchelderau'r nef

("Megis yn y Nef, felly ar y Ddaear.")
Molianned uchelderau'r nef
  Yr Arglwydd am ei waith,
A cherdded sŵn ei foliant ef
  Drwy'r holl ddyfnderau maith.

Canmoled disglair sêr di-ri'
  Ddoethineb meddwl Duw,
Ac yn ein dagrau dwedwn ni
  Mai doeth a chyfiawn yw.

Am ei sancteiddrwydd moler ef
  Gan gôr seraffiaid fyrdd;
Atebwn ninnau ag un llef
  Mai sanctaidd yw ei ffyrdd.

Cyduned yr angylion glân
  Ei ddeddfau i fawrhau;
Gweddïwn ninnau gyda'r gân
  Am ras i ufuddhau.

Trwy'r nefoedd wen o oes i oes
  Canmoler cariad Duw;
Fe ganwn ninnau wrth y groes
  Mai Duw y cariad yw.

Molianned uchelderau'r nef
  Yr Arglwydd am ei waith,
A cherdded sŵn ei foliant ef
  Drwy'r holl ddyfnderau maith.
Howell Elvet Lewis [Elfed] 1860-1953

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Emrys (W M Roberts 1853-1923)
St Fulbert (H J Gauntlett 1805-76)
Wiltshire (George T Smart 1776-1867)

("As in Heaven, so on the Earth.")
Let the heights of heaven praise
  The Lord for his work,
And let the sound of his praise walk
  Through all the vast depths.

Let the innumerable radiant stars extol
  The wisdom of the thought of God,
And in our tears let us say
  That wise and upright is he.

For his sacredness may he be praised
  By the choir of a myriad seraphim;
Let us respond with one cry
  That sacred are his ways.

Let the holy angels unite
  His laws to magnify;
Let us too pray with the song
  For grace to obey.

Throughout bright heaven from age to age
  May God's love be extolled;
We also shall sing by the cross
  That God is love.

Let the heights of heaven praise
  The Lord for his work,
And let the sound of his praise walk
  Through all the vast depths.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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