Mae Cyfaill i blant bychain

There's a friend for little children

Mae Cyfaill i blant bychain
  Uwch awyr lās ein Duw;
Un na fydd byth yn newid
  A'i serch, diddarfod yw;
Bydd ein cyfeillion yma
  Yn newid fel y rhod;
Ond hwn sydd Cyfaill teilwng
  O'r enw goreu'n bod.

Mae gorphwys i blant bychain
  Uwch awyr lās ein Duw,
I'r rhai sy'n caru'r Iesu
  Ac iddo Ef yn byw;
Gorphwysdra ymhob tywydd,
  Ymwared o bob clwy',
A phob pererin bychan
  Yn esmwyth arno mwy.

Mae cartref i blant bychain
  Uwch awyr las ein Duw,
Mae'r Iesu yno'n Frenin -
  Y cartref gwychaf yw;
Nid oes un tebyg iddo
  Mhlith holl gartrefi'r byd,
Can's pawb o'r teulu dedwydd
  Yn ddedwydd fydd o hyd.

Mae coron i blant bychain
 Uwch awyr las ein Duw,
I'r rhai sy'n caru'r Iesu
  Tragwyddol goron yw;
O goron ogoneddus!
  Ei dirion law a'i rhydd
I bawb sydd yn Ei geisio,
  I bawb yn ffyddlon sydd.

Mae canu i blant bychain
  Uwch awyr las ein Duw,
Cān na wneir blino'i chanu,
  Mor fythol felus yw:
Cān yw i'r Oen a laddwyd,
  Cān plant
      Ei aberth drud;
Am hynny try'r angylion
  Wrth geisio'i chanu'n fud.

Mae gwenwisg i blant bychain
  Uwch awyr las ein Duw,
A thelyn aur felusaidd,
  A phalmwydd hyfryd liw:
Mae'r oll ynghadw heddyw
  Gan Iesu yn y nef:
O blant! eich eiddo gyddant
  Os glynwch wrtho Ef.
cyf. John Francis 1789-1822

Tonau [7676D]:
  Mae Cyfail i Blant bychain (T Amos Jones)
Salvatore (Salvatore Ferretti 1817-74)

There is a Friend for little children
  Above our God's blue sky;
One who will never be changing
  And his affection, enduring it is;
Our friends here will be
  Changing like the sky;
But he is a worthy Friend
  Of the best name there is.

There is a rest for little children
  Above our God's blue sky,
For those who are loving Jesus
  And living for Him;
A rest in all weather,
  Deliverance from every illness,
And every little pilgrim
  Ease upon him evermore.

There is a home for little children
  Above our God's blue sky,
Jesus is there as King -
  The most brilliant home there is;
There is nothing like it
  Amongst all the homes of the world,
Since all of the happy family
  Shall be happy always.

There is a crown for little children
  Above our God's blue sky,
For those who are loving Jesus
  An eternal crown it is;
O glorious crown!
  His tender hand shall give it
To everyone who seeks Him,
  To everyone who is faithful.

There is a song for little children
  Above our God's blue sky,
A song no-one is made tired of singing,
  So eternally sweet it is:
A song it is to the Lamb who was slain,
  A song of the children
      of His costly sacrifice;
Because of which the angels turn,
  On trying to sing it, mute.

There is white clothing for little children
  Above our God's blue sky,
And a sweet, golden harp,
  And palms of a delightful colour:
They are all kept today
  By Jesus in heaven:
O children, your possession they shall be!
  If ye stick to Him.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
There's a friend for little children
  Above the bright blue sky,
A friend who never changes,
  Whose love will never die;
Our earthly friends may fail us,
  And change with changing years,
This friend is always worthy
  Of that dear name He bears.

There's a rest for little children
  Above the bright blue sky,
Who love the blessčd Saviour,
  And to the Father cry
A rest from every turmoil,
  From sin and sorrow free,
Where every little pilgrim
  Shall rest eternally.

There's a home for little children
  Above the bright blue sky,
Where Jesus reigns in glory,
  A home of peace and joy
No home on earth is like it,
  Nor can with it compare;
For everyone is happy
  Nor could be happier there.

There's a crown for little children
  Above the bright blue sky,
And all who look for Jesus
  Shall wear it by and by;
A crown of brightest glory,
  Which He will then bestow
On those who found his favour
  And loved His name below.

There's a song for little children
  Above the bright blue sky,
A song that will not weary,
  Though sung continually;
A song which even angels
  Can never,
      never sing
They know not Christ as Saviour,
  But worship Him as king.

There's a robe for little children
  Above the bright blue sky,
And a harp of sweetest music,
  And palms of victory.
All, all above is treasured,
  And found in Christ alone:
O come, dear little children
  That all may be your own.
Albert Midlane 1825-1909
Good News for the Little Ones, December 1859.

Tunes [86767676]:
    Edengrove (1874 Samuel Smith 1821-1917)
    In Memoriam (1875 John Stainer 1840-1901)
    Ingrave (The English Hymnal 1906)
    Las Flores (1899 George J Ferreira)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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