Mae cymylau a thywyllwch

(Dirgelwch Rhagluniaeth)
Mae cymylau a thywyllwch
  Yn amgylchu'r Arglwydd Ior;
Uniawn yw ei lân lywodraeth
  Dros derfynau tir a môr;
Mae ei sail ar bur gyfiawnder,
  Gwir uniondeb ynddi sydd;
A chawn weled fod ei throion
  Oll yn gyson iawn ryw ddydd.

Dyrys droion wrth y miloedd
  Sy'n cyfarfod Seion Duw,
Ar ei gyrfa trwy'r anialwch
  Tua'i hetifeddiaeth wiw:
Gan fod agoradau'r nefoedd,
  A dyfnderoedd uffern fawr,
Oll yn nghadw gan ei Phriod,
  Daw o'i thrallod
    fel y wawr.
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Diniweidrwydd (alaw Gymreig)
Düsseldorf (F Mendelssohn / Ieuan Gwyllt)

gwelir: Dyrys droion wrth y miloedd

(The Secret of Providence)
There are clouds and darkness
  Surrounding the Sovereign Lord;
Upright is his holy governance
  Across the boundaries of land and sea;
Its basis is on pure righteousness,
  True uprightness is in it;
And we may get to see that its turns are
  All constantly true some day.

Knotty turns by the thousands
  Are meeting God's Zion,
On its course through the desert
  Towards its worthy inheritance:
Since the keys of heaven,
  And the depths of great hell,
Are all kept by its Spouse,
  It will come from its tribulation
    like the dawn.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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