Mae dinas ag iddi sylfeini

("Efe a baratôdd Ddinas, iddynt.")
Mae dinas ag iddi sylfeini,
  A duw yn Gynllynydd a Saer;
Am hynny ni syfla ei meini,
  Ni threulia ei heol o aur:
A mwy - y mae Duw yn ei chanol
  Yn byw gyda'i bobol Ei hun;
A gwell na goleuni allanol
  Yw'r Oen sy'n goleuo pob un.

Nid ofnwn am hyn pe symudai'r
  Mynyddoedd i ganl y môr, -
Diogel a sicr yw'm hyder
  Yn ninas dragwyddol yr Iôr:
Nid ofnwn pe ciliai'r goleuni
  O'r nefoedd a'r bydoedd uwch ben,
Mae'r ddinas ag iddi sylfeini
  Yn aros heb nos uwch ei nen!
E Keri Evans 1860-1941

Tôn [9898D]: Capel Newydd (W T Rees 1838-1904)

("He has prepared a City, for them.")
There is a city with foundations to it,
  With God as Architect and Mason;
Therefore its stones shall not shift,
  Nor its street of gold wear away:
And more - God in in its midst
  Living with his people Himself;
And better than external light
  Is the Lamb who is illuminating every one.

We shall not fear, therefore, if the mountains
  Should move into the midst of the sea, -
Safe and secure is my confidence
  In the eternal city of the Lord:
We shall not fear if light should retreat
  From the heavens and the worlds overhead,
The city with foundations to it is
  Remaining without night above its sky!
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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