Mae Duw yn galw'r iengctyd
Mae Duw yn galw'r ie'nctyd

(Y Cyfaill Goreu)
Mae Duw yn galw'r iengctyd
  I roddi blodau hoes,
I Brynwr mawr eu bywyd -
  Y Gwr fu ar y groes:
O dan Ei iau mae cysur,
  Ac yn Ei hedd ceir byw;
Gwyn fyd a gredo ynddo -
  Y Cyfaill goreu yw.

Hoff iawn yw Iesu grasol
  O weled plant yn dod,
Ynghyd yn llawen luoedd
  I seinio'n bêr Ei glod;
A phan maent yn gweddïo
  Efe o'r nef a'u clyw;
Fe'u llwyr fendithia hefyd -
  Y Cyfaill goreu yw.

Mor werthfawr ydyw breintiau
  Ei holl ddisgyblion Ef;
Bod dan Ei nawdd a'i wenau
  Yw bendith fwya'r nef:
Rol gadael gwlad y ddaear
  Cânt esgyn fry i fyw;
A chanu byth mewn gwynfyd -
  Y Cyfaill goreu yw.
Llawlyfr Moliant yr Ysgol Sul 1897

Tonau [7676D]:
Aurelia (S S Wesley 1810-76)
  Mae Duw yn galw'r iengctyd (John Price 1857-1930)
  Y Cyfaill Goreu (D Davies, Fochriw.)

(The Best Friend)
God is calling the young
  To give the flowers of their lifespan,
To the great Redeemer of their lives -
  The Man who was on the cross:
Under his yoke there is comfort,
  And in his peace is to be gotten to live;
Blessed is one who believes in him -
  The best Friend he is.

Very fond is gracious Jesus
  Of seeing children come,
Together in joyful hosts
  To sound sweetly his praise;
And when they are praying
  He from heaven hears them;
He completely blesses them also -
  The best Friend he is.

How valuable are the privileges
  Of all His disciples;
To be under his protection and his smiles
  Is the greatest blessing of heaven:
After leaving the land of the earth
  They may get to ascend up to live;
And sing forever in blessedness -
  The greatest Friend he is.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion
(The true, unfailing Friend.)
Our God the young ones calleth,
  To give their morning days,
To Him who died to save them,
  To Him be endless praise:
His yoke sweet comfort yieldeth,
  His peace will know no end;
How blessed they that trust Him,
  The true, unfailing Friend.

The gracious Lord delighteth
  To see the children meet
In happy bands to praise Him
  With voices clear and sweet:
And whn they pray He listens,
  And blessings He will send,
That ever will enrich them -
  Oh! true, unfailing Friend.

To what a height of glory
  He will His loved ones lift!
His smile upon their pathway
  Is heaven's most precious gift:
And when earth's toils are oer
  To Him they will ascend.
And praise in bliss unending
  The true, unfailing Friend.
cyf. <1897 Rev W Edwards, D.D.

Tune [7676D]: Y Cyfaill Goreu (D Davies, Fochriw.)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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