Mae dy lwybrau cul yn hyfryd

(Llwybrau gras yn hyfryd)
Mae dy lwybrau cul yn hyfryd,
  Mae dy gwmni'n dawel, fwyn,
Mae dy iau yn dirion, esmwyth,
  Tra dy hunan yn ei dwyn;
Mae dy feichiau'n rhyfedd ysgafn,
  Oll yn perthyn it sy'n hedd;
Fel y mêl gwnest
    groesau diried,
  Angeu haerllug, dewr, a'r bedd.

Dyma'r llwybr a ddewisais,
  Etto 'rwyf heb 'difarhau;
Disgwyl f'etifeddiaeth 'rydwyf,
  Etto heb gael ei mwynhâu:
Cyfoeth mawr, heb fesur arno,
  Trysor mwy na'r moroedd maith,
Welaf draw yn nghadw i mi,
  Hir brydnawn,
      ar ben fy nhaith.

Diangc wnês i maes o Sodom,
  Ar y gwastad 'rwyf yn byw,
Mae fy nghefn ar Gomorrah,
  F'wyneb tua gwlad fy Nuw:
Fyny i'r bryniau 'rwyf am ddiangc,
  Maes o sawr
      y mŵg a'r tân;
Rho dy law, Dywysog bywyd,
  Tyn fy enaid yn y blaen.

Ffarwel deiau, ffarwel diroedd,
  A'r eilunod pena' erioed,
Mi'ch tyngheda 'ngŵydd y nefoedd
  Na ddilynoch ol fy nhroed:
Myn'd rwy'n llwm tua thir y bywyd -
  Ffon yn unig yn fy llaw;
Mi a 'mlaen dros yr Iorddonen,
  Mae 'nghyfeillion anwyl draw.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
Chrisostom (<1897)
Tyddewi (<1869)
Vienna (Franz Joseph Haydn 1732-1809)

Dyma'r llwybr a ddewisais
Mae fy Nuw yn fy ngheryddu
Wyneb siriol fy anwylyd

(The paths of grace delightful)
Thy narrow paths are delightful,
  Thy complany is quiet, gentle,
Thy yoke is tender, easy,
  While thou art bearing it thyself;
Thy burdens are wonderfully light,
  All that belongs to thee is peace;
Like the honey thou didst make
    despised crosses,
  Boastful, bold death, and the grave.

Here is the path which I chose,
  Still I am without regrets;
Awaiting my inheritance I am,
  Still without getting to enjoy it:
Great wealth, without measure to it,
  Treasure greater than the vast seas,
I see yonder keeping for me,
  A long afternoon,
      at the end of my journey.

Escape I did out of Sodom,
  Constantly I am living,
My back is to Gomorrah,
  My face towards the country of my God:
Up to hills I am escaping,
  Out of the smell of
      the smoke and the fire;
Give thy hand, Prince of life,
  Draw my soul forwards.

Farewell houses, farewell lands,
  And the chief idols ever,
I adjure you in the face of heaven
  Do not follow my footprints:
Going I am naked towards the land of life -
  A staff only in my hand;
I am going forward across the Jordan,
  There are dear friends over there.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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